Categories: Opinion

Time for the equality state to move on

It has been more than three years now since we were legally married on May 17, 2004. Today, more than 8,500 same-sex couples are married in Massachusetts. We are so proud to live in Massachusetts. We would love to see vanity plates that say “Massachusetts: The Equality State.” How wonderful to live in a place where we are full and equal citizens with the same civil protections and responsibilities as anyone else!

It makes us sad, however, that our energies are still being diverted by the proposed constitutional amendment which would take away equal citizenship from people like us. Bringing this to a popular vote would be wrong. It’s simply wrong to vote on rights. We sincerely hope that this amendment is put to rest on June 14, so that 8,500, plus same sex couples can get on with furthering our gay agendas: going to work, vacuuming, taking our kids to soccer practice, paying our bills and taxes, and shopping for groceries. Enough, please! It’s time to move on.

Robyn Ochs and Peg Preble
Jamaica Plain

John Ruch:
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