Categories: Opinion

Thanks for support of Obama, local business

Given the difficult economic climate, it’s not easy for a small business owner to feel optimistic these days. However, optimistic is exactly how I felt after the recent fund-raising party for Barack Obama at Rhythm & Muse bookstore—optimistic that better days are ahead for this troubled and divided country.

The event reaffirmed my belief in the power of community and, in particular, my belief in the strength and uniqueness of this community. We have fiercely avoided the corporate stamp that renders so many communities indistinguishable from one another. Jamaica Plain is a community that truly values diversity, civic participation, the arts, the environment and its independent stores. Like any vibrant community, JP also prides itself on contributing to the well-being of people elsewhere in the country and the world. Thanks to the community, we raised nearly $1,500 for the Obama campaign.

Thanks, again, to the community, Rhythm & Muse will celebrate its 10-year anniversary this month with festivities on Nov. 15. [See Happenings.] A heartfelt thank you to our longtime supporters and to all the new customers who remind us daily why we’re here.

David Doyle
Owner, Rhythm & Muse
Jamaica Plain

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