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Green Triple Decker project seeks applications

The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) announced last week that it is expanding its Green Triple Decker project from two to five structures and is ready to accept applications.

In partnership with the federal Energy Star program, local utilities NSTAR and National Grid and Historic Boston Inc., the BRA has developed a strategy to improve the energy efficiency of Boston’s triple-deckers which will result in lower energy costs for occupants, while tackling a potent municipal green house gas emission target.

The Green Triple Decker program will provide grants matched with utility incentives to qualifying owner applicants to achieve significant energy performance improvements in Boston’s historic triple decker housing style. Triple decker owner applicants should be individuals who have planned some renovation work, are willing to work with a team of building energy efficiency experts to develop their project, and are ready to proceed logistically and financially.

Building owners may be eligible for BRA and utility program rebates up to $27,000 per building, but they must be prepared to finance the balance of the work plan cost with cash or credit. 

Those who wish to apply to participate in the program should visit www.greentechboston.com. Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis with the first review occurring Oct. 15. Owners may contact GreenTech Business Manager Galen Nelson at 918-4447 or galen.nelson.bra@cityofboston.gov if they have questions about the program. Selected applicants will participate in a design charrette with the program partners to discuss energy efficiency retrofit options and related work plans and budget.

From press materials.

Rebeca Oliveira: Reporter at the Jamaica Plain and Mission Hill Gazettes.
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