We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) for removing the shredded tire mulch from the Southwest Corridor playgrounds and replacing it with wood chips. Now everyone can enjoy these wonderful playgrounds, including those of us with chemical sensitivities, asthma and latex allergies.
Thank you to the community members who helped make this happen by signing our letter to the governor and by calling and emailing DCR. We’d also like to thank state representatives Liz Malia and Jeff Sánchez and Sen. Sonia Chang-Díaz for their involvement. And a big thank you to Jan Hunkel of the Southwest Corridor Park Management Advisory Committee who listened to our concerns and communicated them to DCR in a very thoughtful way.
We appreciate all of the work DCR does to insure that the Southwest Corridor is well maintained, well lit, safe and clean. We urge the JP community to show its appreciation by using the parks and playgrounds as often as possible. More people using the parks equals less crime and vandalism. We hope to see you there!
Abigail Hykin
Audrey White
Jamaica Plain