Categories: Opinion

Thanks for participating in 461 Walnut Ave. process

We would like to thank all of the Jamaica Plain residents, merchants and community organizations, especially those in Egleston and Parkside, that participated in the recent public process for the redevelopment of 461 Walnut Ave. We would also like to thank the elected officials, staff from many City departments and members of the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council who were actively involved with the process.

Hundreds of people were engaged in the community process by attending community meetings, writing letters to elected officials and decision makers, signing petitions and reaching out to neighbors to talk to them about the project. While complete consensus as a community remained elusive, the conversation was constructive and resulted in a better project both for the community as well as for future residents and patients of 461 Walnut Ave. The passion and caring shown by people across the neighborhood are part of what makes JP such an extraordinary place to live and to work.

We are excited about the next phase of this project and are committed to continuing to work with the immediate neighbors to manage it well and to make it successful. We look forward to the day when we can welcome 30 new medically vulnerable residents to the JP community and begin again to provide important medical respite care services at 461 Walnut Ave. We also look forward to the opportunity to work with neighbors on other issues of importance to the community. We are proud to be a part of this neighborhood.

Richard Thal
Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation
Bob Taube
Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
Lyndia Downie
Pine Street Inn

John Ruch:
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