JP veterans will have their choice of activities on Veterans Day, Nov. 11. Many will be showing their colors at the yearly parade in downtown Boston.
The American Legion Post 76 at 280 South St. will welcome any veteran after the parade for an informal get-together.
The VA hospital at 150 S. Huntington Ave. will host its annual brunch for former prisoners of war on Wed., Nov. 16 between 11a.m. and 1 p.m., as it is closed on Veterans Day.
“We do this every November in honor of Veterans Day and in honor of a very special group of men,” said Diane Keefe, a VA spokesperson.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 1018, at 500 Morton St., just across the JP border, will host a “Military Awareness Fair” on Veterans Day to showcase resources for veterans and their families.
The showcase will host counselors, possible employers and speakers, along with other resources for veterans.
“It’s a fair. It’s all the resources soldiers will be looking for,” said Jorge Castro, a Post 1018 spokesperson.
The fair will include information from the Red Cross and various branches of the military. It will be open to the public from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.