The following letter was sent to state Rep. Liz Malia:
I live in the Jamaica Plain section that is represented by Jeffrey Sánchez. However, I have heard you speak in the past and have been impressed with the representation you provide to Jamaica Plain. So I am sorry to know that you have accused the Mass. Department of Transportation of not studying the Casey Overpass project diligently enough.
I had reason to attend one of the first Working Advisory Group meetings and felt that the committee was listening to the diverse concerns raised, doing everything possible to provide all information requested and address the concerns of both sides. Almost from the beginning, I thought the at-grade solution was the better one because it seems more in keeping with Frederick Law Olmsted’s vision and because it is projected to cost less. I had been concerned about traffic delays, but after attending the Casey Overpass community meeting Nov. 21, 2011, where traffic simulations were presented, I was reassured that the slight delays were outweighed by the advantages mentioned above.
I am somewhat active in community groups, often travel into town from Forest Hills Station, and am always interested in what makes Boston in general and Jamaica Plain in particular the most livable city it can be.
Virginia Marcotte, Jamaica Plain