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Lesbian wedding study seeks JP couples

A college student is seeking Jamaica Plain participants for a study of lesbian wedding ceremonies.

Molly Wexler-Romig, an anthropology student at New York State’s Bard College, recently posted a request for participants in Centre Street’s Purple Cactus restaurant, among other locations.

“I know that Jamaica Plain is an epicenter of queer life in the Boston area, so it is one area in which I am looking for participants,” Wexler-Romig said in an email to the Gazette.

She is especially interested in how gender roles are expressed in lesbian weddings through such forms as “attire and speech.”

Her advertisement says that participants do not necessarily have to consider themselves lesbian, “only that you somehow fit under the umbrella of queer women.”

The study is for her senior thesis project and will be reviewed by a college board. She said she also advertised in Somerville and will advertise around the city more widely when she is on summer break.

For more information, contact Wexler-Romig at mr698@bard.edu.

John Ruch:
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