On behalf of the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation (JPNDC), I want to thank all the many JP residents and supporters who helped make our 35th anniversary community celebration on June 9 a success in many ways! There are more people than can be named, but we want to give a special thank-you to the following for their generous door prize donations: Gail’s Café & Grill, Jackson Square Laundromat, Tremendous Maids, Xposure by Noel and Marianne McLaughlin. We also want to call out the early investors in our ongoing 35th anniversary fund-raising campaign, who have been the first to step up to help JPNDC and low-income families in our community during a very challenging time: Peabody Properties, Boston Private Bank & Trust, Breakaway Courier, J.&M. Brown Co., Landmark Structures Corp., Pinck & Co., Michael Mulcahy, Josh and Sarah Muncey, Rebecca Plaut Mautner, Mt. Washington Bank (a division of East Boston Savings Bank), Southern JP Health Center, Tise Design Associates, Robert Taube, the Hyde Square Task Force and Fran Price.
Thank you again to all the residents and organizations who work to make JP a place where everyone, no matter how modest their resources, has equal opportunity for a secure life and better future for their children.
Leslie Bos
President, Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation
Jamaica Plain