Several Jamaica Plain-based projects were approved in the City’s fiscal year 2013 capital budget.
Ward’s Pond, part of the Emerald Necklace’s Olmsted Park and JP’s border with Brookline, is due for boardwalk improvements.
“The original boardwalk lifted and shifted during a flood several years ago,” said Jacque Goddard, a spokesperson for the Boston Parks and Recreation Department. “A replacement boardwalk has been designed…The plans should go out to bid in the next few weeks.”
The English High School field, located at 144 McBride St., is due to have its artificial turf replaced. The contract for that project is still pending and no work has been scheduled yet, Goddard said.
An approved but unfunded project to improve the Jamaica Pond boathouse was also in the budget. The proposed $400,000 project would include repairs to the roof, the chimney and the masonry, an upgrade to the boathouse’s kitchen, work on the windows and doors and new flooring.
The City’s capital budget is separate from its operating budget. The capital budget covers major construction projects while its operating budget covers expenditures related to actually running the City. Projects may be included in the capital budget until there are funds to actually complete the project.