The deadline for listings is noon, Aug. 14 for the Aug. 17 issue. Send listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given.
Special Events
Summer Nights Out, carnival, fitness, sponsored by Hyde Square Task Force, Wed., Aug. 8 and 15, 6pm, Blessed Sacrament patio, 365 Centre St. Info: [email protected].
Youth Open Mic nights, rappers, musicians, dancers, comedians, actors, poets, etc. welcome, Fri., Aug. 3, First Baptist Church, 633 Centre St. Info: [email protected]/524-3992.
Junior Toots, reggae, son of Frederick “Toots” Hibbert from Toots and The Maytals, with Irae Divine and Samily Man, Wed. Aug. 15, Milky Way Lounge, 284 Amory St. Info:
Gypsy Jazz, with Robert Flax and Sasha Kern, Sun., Aug. 15, 2pm, Goddard House, 201 S. Huntington Ave. Info:
Iberica music festival, St. John’s Episcopal Church, 7 Revere St.: Sat., Aug. 18, 5:30pm and 8pm: Spanish Opera and Zarzuela concert. Fri., Aug 24, 5:30pm and 8pm: Cupid’s Arrow concert. Sat., Aug. 25, 5:30pm: Spanish oratorio and Sephardic cantata concert. 8pm: James Nicolson virginal recital and Voice and baroque guitar concert. First Baptist Church, 633 Centre St.: Mon., Aug. 27, 8pm: James Nicolson virginal recital and voice and baroque guitar concert. Info: [email protected].
notloB Folk Concerts, Fri., Aug. 17: Sandra Wong and Ross Martin. Loring-Greenough House, 12 South St. Info: [email protected].
UForge Gallery: “Stories,” Through Aug. 26. “Street Art,” Sept. 6-30. “Figure,” Oct. 4-28. “Day of the Dead,” Nov. 1-25. UForge Gallery, 767 Centre St. Info: 553-4480.
Urbano Project’s Summer Artists’ Projects, “Wonders of the Real,” through Aug. 15. “Mapping Exclusion,” through Aug. 16. 29 Germania St. Info: 983-1007.
Mixed media paintings by Andres Vasquez with photographs by Carl Tremblay, through Mon., Aug., 13, James’s Gate Gallery, 5 McBride St. Info: 983-1760.
Immigrants in New England: An Old American Tradition, photographs by Mario Quiroz, on view through Aug. 31. Reception on Mon., Aug. 13, 6pm.
West African dance classes, taught by Zucan, a principal dancer with the Drum and Spirit of African Society. Mondays, 7:30-9pm, English High School, 144 McBride St. Info: 359-1552.
Gender-Free/English Country Dance, beginners welcome and encouraged. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays (5th Tuesdays: experienced) of the month, 7:30-11:30pm, First Church, 6 Eliot St. Info:
Book discussions at the Connolly: “State of Wonder” by Ann Patchett, Mon., Aug. 27, Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.
One World Day, dance, music, cultural demonstrations, Sat., Aug. 4, Franklin Park Zoo, 1 Franklin Park Road. $17. Info:
Connolly Branch Library: Mon., Aug. 6, 6:30pm and 7:15pm: The Night Sky with the Museum of Science. Wed., Aug. 8, 2pm: design a collage dream room. Mon., Aug. 13: live theater performance. Mon., Aug. 20, 5:30pm: kindergarten day celebration. Tuesdays, 10:30am: Toddler and pre-school story time. Wednesdays, 10:30am: children’s films. Thursdays, 11:15am: ReadBoston storymobile. 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.
Egleston Sq. Library: Tuesdays, 10:30am: preschool storytime, featuring puppets, songs games and fingerplays. Wednesdays, 10:30am: Babies and book sat the library. 2044 Columbus Ave. Info: 445-4340.
Jamaica Plain Library: Tuesdays 10:30am: Toddler/preschool storytime. 3pm: Creative Drama Children. Wednesdays, 10:30am, baby and books. 12 Sedgwick St., Info: 524-2053.
Summer Sundays in the Park, co-sponsored by Brookline Parks and Open Space and the High Street Hill Association, Sun., Aug. 5: 7pm, kids’ activities, 8pm, movie night, “Toy Story 3,” Allerton Overlook, Olmsted Park, Jamaicaway. Rain date Aug. 6. Info: 522-2700.
Art and storytelling workshop series, for kids ages 7-13 and families. Wednesdays through Aug. 8, 5:45-7:30pm, light supper included. Curtis Hall, 20 South St. Info: 522-4832.
JP Children’s Soccer Fall Season, for kids 3.5 to 6.5. Registration deadline Aug. 31, season begins Sept. 12 at Jamaica Pond/Pinebanks Field. Registration Fee: $25, $20 for additional siblings. Info: [email protected].
Family art class, wheelchair accessible, Tuesdays 10:30am-noon. Family Resource Center, 1542 Columbus Ave. Info: 522-1018.
Art, Woodworking and Sewing, Bookbinding and more at the Eliot School, classes start throughout the year. Days, evenings, weekends. The Eliot School of fine and Applied Arts, 24 Eliot St. info/course listings:
Learn to stiltwalk with Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Sundays, 11am-1pm, $5. Info: 857-498-2438.
Toddler Drum Circle, a weekly drop-in gathering of toddlers 1-5 and parents to play, dance and drum, coordinated by Cornell “Sugarfoot” Coley, Saturdays, 9:30am-10:30am, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St., $8. Info: 935-7614/[email protected].
After-School Teen Welding and Teen Jewelry Workshops now available from 3-5pm on Mondays and Wednesdays at Stonybrook Fine Arts. Info:
Knitting Group, Thursdays, 6-8pm, JP Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St. Info: 524-2053.
Egleston Orchard work days: August 4 and 19 and Sept. 1, 16 and 29. Info: [email protected].
Tours and Talks
Jamaica Plain Historical Society guided tours, Sat., Aug. 4, 11am: guided tour of Woodbourne neighborhood, starting from Bethel AME Church, Wachusett and Walk Hill streets. Sat., Aug. 11, 11am: guided tour of Jamaica Pond, starting from Jamaicaway corner of Pond St. Info: 522-1150.
Arnold Arboretum Fun Days, Fri., Aug. 3, 11am-3pm: family activities, botanical art lessons. Sat., Sept. 22, 7pm-9:30pm: Sky Viewing with or without telescopes. Info: 961-3051.
Forest Hills Cemetery twilight walking tours, Thursdays, 7pm. Aug. 9: Roxbury and other summer getaways. Aug. 16: Rave Reviews. Aug. 23: A Matter of Taste. Aug. 30: The Darkness of Eugene O’Neill.
How To Tell A 5min Kickbutt Story class, with Andrea Lovett , $40+, Mon., Aug. 13, 6:15pm, Doyle’s Café, 3484 Washington St. Info:
Children’s Theater Project offers theater classes for children ages 5-8. Tuesday afternoons, 4-5pm for 15 weeks during fall and winter/spring terms. 7a Eliot St., Info: Carol Gallagher, 913-8951.
Salsa dancing lessons, Wednesdays, 7:15-8:45pm, Curtis Hall, 20 South St., $15. Info: 635-5193.
Shim Gum Do (Mind Sword Path), zen sword, karate and meditation classes, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: 429-8024/[email protected].
Buddhist meditation classes, Thursdays, 7-8:30pm, through Oct. 11, $10. St. John’s Episcopal Church, 7 Revere St. Info:
MindBody/Health Promotion Center offers yoga, meditation and stress reduction classes. 10 Green St. Info: 983-4226.
Used Book Table, all proceeds supporting the JP Branch Library. Thursdays through Aug. 30, 2-7pm, Loring-Greenough House farmer’s market.
Annual Ronnie Dial Gold Tournament, to benefit AstraZeneca Hope Lodge. Mon., Sept. 12, 8:30am, Putterham Meadows Gold Course in Brookline, Food, drinks, entertainment to follow, Brendan Behan Pub, 378 Centre St., $500 per team. Info: 697-8964.