I’m a JP resident who lives south of the Forest Hills T Station. I read Rebeca Oliveira’s article in the last Gazette about the Massachusetts Department of Transportation bias in the Casey Overpass matter with interest. (“Casey documents suggest at-grade bias,” April 12.) It comes as no surprise to me that the documents released as a result of Kevin Moloney’s Freedom of Information Act request seem to reveal that MassDOT was in favor of an at-grade solution well before the public meetings to assess opinion started and therefore pushed this solution through as being overwhelmingly supported by the general public. Why is it no surprise? Because so many of the people I talk to agree with me and do not want the at-grade solution for logical, concrete reasons.
The at-grade solution clearly presents major problems that will only serve to make our beloved village even more challenged by the typical urban blight problems that threaten to overwhelm us.
Rush-hour traffic, which already makes it impossibly dangerous to ride a bicycle on Hyde Park Avenue or Washington Street, will be even more obstructed with north-south traffic having to wait while east-west traffic cycles though four traffic lights on its way to and from the Longwood Medical Area and its environs. The long time it takes already to get north and south on these thoroughfares will be arithmetically multiplied without a bridge.
Rush-hour traffic also means decreased air quality and increased environmental impact. The Jan. 8 MEPA meeting at English High School was supposed to evaluate whether or not the state has to do a more in-depth and formal evaluation of the impact of 25,000 extra vehicles a day coming through at street level. Can this really be so nebulous as to dismiss without more analysis? That’s what happened. MEPA decided not to mandate additional research despite scores of comments begging them to do so.
What can we do if we want more research done on the possibilities of a new bridge?
We can let our elected officials know what we want! They’ve been too quiet on this subject, weighing in only to say, it seems to many, that it is too bad, but apparently this is what the public wants.
We can tell Gov. Patrick we don’t want this! Call Gov. Patrick at 617-725-4005, or use the online comment form at mass.gov/governor/constituentservices/contact.
We can watch the website for the 34th annual Wake Up the Earth festival to be held on May 4 and seek out a Casey Arborway booth for more information. Also visit Ferris Wheels on South Street to get involved.
If the Casey Overpass coming down and not being resurrected seems at all wrong to you, don’t wait a minute longer. Do something.
Marjorie Charney
Jamaica Plain