The state put four small, vacant parcels along the Southwest Corridor in Jamaica Plain up for bid on April 26. The pieces of land—in Central JP, JP South and Sumner Hill—are leftover property seized decades ago by the state to construct what is now the Southwest Corridor MBTA and train line and the Southwest Corridor Park.
The state Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is seeking bids for each parcel separately with a June 27 deadline. The parcels are:
- Call Street, a narrow strip of land, about 375 square feet, behind the area of 36 Newbern St.
- At the rear of 22 Everett St., a parcel about 552 square feet.
- Next to 14 Gordon St., a slim strip of land about 686 square feet.
- Lawndale Terrace, at the elbow between Lamartine Street and Lamartine Place, a parcel about 1,621 square feet.
It appears that some of the parcels may be in use by people who consider them parts of residential yards. MassDOT spokesperson Mike Verseckes said that the state aims to “dispose of parcels that may be a natural fit to adjacent properties.”
He said there is no particular reason for the parcels to go up for bids now except for the state’s ongoing process of selling off surplus land.
MassDOT is seeking the “highest responsible” bids, according to the “Invitation for Bids” document posted today at To receive a copy of the document, contact Project Manager Roy Avellaneda at [email protected] or via mail at MassDOT, Office of Real Estate and Asset Development, Room 4470, Ten Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116.