Categories: Opinion

Editorial: The abuses of spying

Recently revealed government spying on peaceful protestors and potentially everyone’s phone records, email and Internet activity are outrageous violations of the First and Fourth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. They are shocking examples of fear overcoming wisdom and power overcoming democracy.

These are not abstract violations happening somewhere else. The Boston Police spying on anti-war groups right here in JP was rightfully the subject of a recent protest. The federal fishing expedition through Verizon’s business phone records may well have included the Gazette, which uses that company’s services. National Security Agency peeking at emails of millions of citizens undoubtedly meant reading the mail of many journalists in violation of the First Amendment.

The notion that we need these Big Brother systems to protect us from terrorists is nonsense. Indeed, they are examples of how thoroughly the terrorists have won by scaring us into destroying Western individualism, privacy and freedom of conscience. Preventing 9/11 would not have required tracking every citizen’s phone calls. It would simply have taken reinforced cockpit doors and more than rudimentary pre-boarding security, measures that experts had advocated to no avail for 30 years. Nor were these programs inspired solely by terrorism. The NSA and related agencies have had the creepy goal of total surveillance of U.S. civilian communications, and unconstitutional programs for doing so, clear back to the telegram era, as infamously revealed by the U.S. Senate’s Church Committee nearly 40 years ago. These programs are less about security than they are about political power and the mutually profitable nexus of big business and big government.

The Fourth Amendment requires that government searches happen only with a warrant limiting them to a specific person and items, and bars “unreasonable” searches. It was written from experience to prevent exactly the sort of searching the NSA is doing right now. The British government used to issue general warrants allowing its agents to search any place at any time, and forcing anyone to help them do so. The Colonists rightly judged that “legal” search to be a tyrannical abuse. If the Founding Fathers thought searching everyone’s basement for smuggled goods was unreasonable, we can safely say they would find reading the personal email of everyone in the country who used a suspicious word to be fantastically insane.

Writing in 1771 in an earlier Boston newspaper called the Gazette, the revolutionary hero Samuel Adams mocked the idea that if the government decided we have to lose key civil liberties, “we must submit to it, without the least intimation to posterity that we looked upon it as unconstitutional or unjust.”

“But remember, my countrymen,” Adams continued, “it will be better to have your liberties wrested from you by force, than to have it said that you even implicitly surrendered them.”

History was on his side. American liberties continue to be our strength, not our weakness. Government spies need to get out of everyone’s business, including that of today’s Gazette, and stay out.

Gazette Staff:
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