HYDE SQ.—The purchase of the former Blessed Sacrament Church building by the Hyde Square Task Force (HSTF) from the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation (JPNDC) and New Atlantic Development has been finalized, according to Boston Redevelopment Authority spokesperson Melina Schuler and HSTF.
The sale price is not known. JPNDC and HSTF had been in negotiations for several months about a possible sale.
JPNDC and New Atlantic did not issue a comment. HSTF initially did not respond to a request for comment, but then issued a press release that said, “Hyde Square Task Force recently signed a [purchase-and-sale agreement] with Church Partners to buy the Blessed Sacrament Church located on Centre Street in the Hyde/Jackson Square neighborhood of Jamaica Plain. We are happy to have reached this important milestone for our community.”
JPNDC and New Atlantic Development bought the Blessed Sacrament Church campus at 365 Centre St. in 2005. The plan was to turn the church into condos built by New Atlantic. That proposal drew significant community opposition.
HSTF has said it wants to turn the building into a community and arts space, though there is no detailed plan yet.
[This article has been update.]
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