School either already has begun or will be back in session shortly in communities all across the state, and that means motorists who have become accustomed to child-free streets during the morning commute once again must become eagle-eyed and on the lookout for children and school buses on our roadways.
The start of a new school year always is a treacherous time both for motor vehicle operators and children alike, who once again must become accustomed to sharing the road with each other during the busiest time of the day when everyone is in a hurry either to get to work or to school.
For motorists, this means slowing down, especially when a school bus or school crossing is in sight. We can assure every one of our readers that no one wants to be the driver of a car that killed a young child, even if that child happened to be darting into the street.
So please drive safely and be extra-vigilant for small children.