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Business group marks 1st anniversary

Locally Owned, an association for independent businesses in Jamaica Plain, is celebrating its first-year anniversary this month and founder Rebecca Allen is deeming the group a success.

Allen, who owns the JP-based Infrared5, a video game and software company, said that she has more than 80 people on the association list and that Locally Owned monthly meetings average between 20 and 30 participants.

She said that the group guides what will be the topic of conversation during the meetings. Past talks have been about contracts, when to hire employees or outsource work and marketing/branding.

“People share their knowledge,” said Allen. “That is what it is all about.”

Locally Owned members include retail shops, real estate firms, restaurants, attorneys, designers, a picture framer and physical therapists.

The location of the meetings changes every month. The association will be meeting on Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. at the restaurant Vee Vee, which is located at 763 Centre St. Businesses interesting in joining the group can either search for Locally Owned on meetup.com or email Allen at rebecca@infrared5.com.

Peter Shanley:
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