Northeastern University is now accepting applicants for its highly successful Youth Development Initiative Project.
YDIP provides middle school youth (students currently in sixth grade) from housing developments neighboring Northeastern with academic and counseling programming during the school year, after school and Saturdays, as well as a six-week summer program that focuses on career exposure, soft skill development and academic courses. The mission of the program is to help children finish secondary school, learn life skills and gain entrance to — and successfully complete — higher education.
Students with their parents or guardians are invited to an informational meeting on Saturday, March 1st, 2014 from 10 am. to 12 p.m., in the Cabral Center, located in Northeastern’s John D. O’Bryant African American Institute, 40 Leon St., Boston.
Refreshments will be served and there will be a raffle of Northeastern apparel for attendees.
For more information, contact YDIP Coordinator Carl Barrows at 617-373-7210 or [email protected]