STONYBROOK—Permits for a planned 36 condo units in 12 three-family buildings at the long-vacant lot at 101 Brookley Road were rejected by the city Inspectional Services Department (ISD) last month.
Yan Schecter, manager of Buildex Real Estate Ventures LLC, the lot’s owner, has already subdivided the large property into 12 parcels and plans to erect a three-family building on each one. Two permits, each for one three-family, were rejected by ISD on Feb. 13, ISD spokesperson Lisa Timberlake told the Gazette.
According to Schecter, the rejections were due to “technicalities,” namely “erroneous calculations” in parking lot sizes and “things like that,” which are “being fixed as we speak.”
“We’re still working with the [Stonybrook] neighborhood association to go over plans for the 12 buildings and we’ll continue to make final adjustments,” he told the Gazette last week.
According to the Boston Redevelopment Authority’s (BRA) website, no plans for the project have yet been filed.
Once the site of a nursing home, the large lot has been the subject of various condo plans over the years that never materialized.