Soggy weather prevented Jamaica Pond Park from seeing its typical spring parade of baby Canada geese, according to the City Parks Department.
Ryan Woods, director of external affairs for the City’s Parks and Recreation Department, told the Gazette that no goose nests were found at their usual nesting site on the Jamaica Pond Island.
“We had a lot of rain this spring and this year the island was submerged under water for a good portion of time, therefore [it was] unable to be a nesting ground,” he said.
While many pond-goers enjoying watching the baby waterfowl, Parks is not a fan of geese.
Parks Rangers monitor goose nests in order to “addle” the eggs –that is, to coat them in an oily substance to keep them from hatching, usually in March or April, Woods said. Parks monitors other waterfowl, but only addle goose eggs, he added.
“We monitor other waterfowl nests to make sure they aren’t disturbed and [we] monitor the outcome, but we don’t keep any written documentation on them,” he said.
It is unclear why Parks addles goose eggs in the first place, though geese are widely considered an invasive nuisance bird. Woods said the City has been doing it “for some time,” but could not remember an exact date.
The City only addles eggs that are on city property, he added.