Letter: The BRA is lost

Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA), where are you going?

After two years of requests from Egleston Square groups for help in neighborhood planning, you finally show up with a full-scale “Open House,” an approach to help out the neighborhood create a comprehensive plan for revitalizing the neighborhood in a healthy way for everyone.

Then, two weeks later, you take a vote in a board meeting with a statement in bold print that says to over a hundred Egleston people present “Not open to public testimony” to approve the building of a 76-unit development plan that has been widely criticized at two community meetings. [Editor’s note: The project did not meet the requirements for a public hearing that would have allowed public testimony, according to BRA spokesperson Nick Martin.] When the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council considered this project at a meeting that was open to comments by all, it voted 11 to 3 against the project as planned. The BRA board vote was 3 to 2 in favor.

BRA, the credibility of your organization is at state. Please rethink your decision on 3200 Washington St.

Ron Hafer

Jamaica plain resident

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