Letter: 64 Allandale

As residents of the Allandale Woods neighborhood, we are alarmed and dismayed by the BRA’s cavalier collaboration with the developer proposing 20 new units on Allandale Street with flagrant disregard for environmental and zoning impact. The density of the proposed project would negatively impact the area in both the short and long term in the following ways:

  1. Allandale Woods encroachment;


  1. Setting precedent by non-compliance with existing zoning laws in an area with single-family homes;


  1. Traffic impact – despite the developer’s study, the area traffic is tremendous between the hours of 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Traversing Allandale Road or the West Roxbury Parkway can take in excess of 30 minutes; adding 40 plus vehicles will contribute to an already untenable situation;


  1. Impact to the safety and welfare of our children and residents; despite working with various offices throughout the City, Hackensack Road is used as a speedway for commuters cutting through to/from Allandale Road to the West Roxbury Parkway. This project will put our family and neighbors at even greater risk with no service or and total disregard from the City about the concerns of our neighborhood

This is the wrong project for this site given its expansive scale. If this project is approved, it is but a first step toward exceptions/variances. All future projects will cite this approval as their tacit green-light to propose projects that do not conform to the neighborhood.

We want our voices to be heard along with our neighbors that we do not support the project nor the lack of process that has been employed in considering this major construction and its negative impact to the city and its residents.


Valerie and Brian Denomy

West Roxbury residents

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