JP Toastmasters Open House Jan. 27 JP Toastmasters will be holding an Open House event on January 27 at 7:00 p.m. at The Footlight Club in Jamaica Plain. The meeting will feature free food and drinks, introductions, and opportunities to…
Month: January 2020
JP Agenda
The deadline for listings is noon, Tues. February 11 for the February 14 issue. Send listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Meetings Stonybrook Neighborhood Association. Next meeting Monday, February…
Sights and Sounds
The deadline for listings is noon, February 11 for the February 14 issue. Send listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Special events Community Bible Study, 11 am to noon,…
Study: e-scooters Could Unlock Thousands of Jobs for Boston Residents
When Boston’s Charlie Palleschi first saw an e-scooter at an event in Cam-bridge, he thought it simply looked fun. On second look, though, he realized the compact electric scooter could likely change his commuting life. And in fact,…
Plazo para la sección de eventos: martes, 11febrero para la edición 14 febrero. Mande eventos a [email protected]. Los números telefónicos que siguen empiezan con 617. Reuniones Comité de casas abandonadas en JP, primer jueves del mes, 10.30, Egleston Library, 2044…
Eight Teens Arrested in JP Over a Two Day Period
Between Jan. 20 and Jan. 21 Boston Police arrested eight teenagers in Jamaica Plain during two separate incidents involving larceny and unarmed robbery. The first incidents occurred just before 7 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 20. Officers from District E-7…
ZBA Approves 65 More Units of Affordable Housing on Columbus Ave.
The Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) gave the green light to the 65-unit affordable housing proposal for 1599 Columbus Ave. on Jan. 14. The proposal was before the ZBA for violations of excessive height, excessive Floor Area Ratio,…
JP History Special Section: Jamaica Plain Historical Society Gears Up for walking Tours; Women’s History Month Event on March 15
For more than 30 years, the Jamaica Plain Historical Society has helped to preserve the histo-ry of the neighborhood through community events, walks, and a band of volunteers and con-tributors. The Gazette spoke with JP Historical Society president…
New Year! New Programs! JPHS Offers Education on Community
2020 is here, and the Jamaica Plain Historical Society (JPHS) is excited for this year and the new decade to begin. Why not resolve to find out more about your neighborhood’s history this year? You can spend hours reading on…
Winter: So Far, So Good (and Not So Good)
The winter season thus far has been fairly easy to take for those of us who have lived in New England for all of our lives. The warmer-than-normal temperatures, highlighted by the record-breaking highs in the 70s two weekends ago, have been…