JP shootings up 133 percent from last year

On Thursday, July 7, the Jamaica Plain Branch of the Boston Police Department hosted its monthly community relations meeting. The meeting is an opportunity for residents to ask questions of local law enforcement.

Attendees received year-to-date crime statistics compiled by the Boston Regional Intelligence Center (BRIC). Part One crime is up 3 percent across the city but up 17 percent in Jamaica Plain. 

Crimes that saw an uptick in Jamaica Plain compared to 2021 were homicide, robbery, domestic and non-domestic assault, burglary, larceny and auto theft. The only crime that saw a decrease was rape.

Shootings are down nearly 32 percent across the city, but up 133 percent in Jamaica Plain, with seven shootings this year. The only other neighborhoods with more shootings were Dorchester (11), Mattapan (17) and Roxbury (18), although these numbers were down from last year.

According to BRIC reports, shootings tend to spike in the warmer months and peak in July. This is not just a local phenomenon. Cities across the U.S. report an increase in violent crime associated with warmer weather.

In 2020 and 2021, shootings in Boston started to increase in April and peaked in July. In July of 2020, when the COVID lockdown was in full force, there were 48 shootings in the city. However, this year, shootings peaked in April and have steadily declined since. It is unclear what is responsible for the change in trajectory.

The police and community relations meeting is on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm on Zoom. The next meeting will be on Aug. 4. All residents interested in community policing are encouraged to attend. Residents are also invited to contact the district with any concerns regarding public safety.

Laura Plummer:
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