Make the Most of Summer

Our Independent Newspaper Group founding publisher, Andrew P. Quigley, who lived an extraordinary life, used to say, “When you look…


Congratulations, U.S. Women’s Soccer

Every now and then the accomplishments of an individual athlete or team will transcend whatever it is that they have…


Op-Ed : How We’re Working to Ensure the Boston Police Department Reflects and Serves Our Neighborhoods

By Mayor Martin J. Walsh Last month, we welcomed the Boston Police Academy’s newest recruits. These men and women had…


Letters : Impeachment “Hopefully”

Dear Editor,  The New York Times reports that, as of June 28, Rep. Stephen Lynch says this about a House…


Mayor’s JP Coffee Hour

Jamaica Plain Liaison Enrique Pepen brought members of the Boston Neighborhood Trauma Team to Mayor Martin Walsh’s annual Coffee Hour…


Robert G. Lawson Park

Ericka Lawson, Robert Lawson’s daughter, cuts the ribbon as her brother, Tim Perry, unveils the new park plaque during the…


JPNC in the midst of Several Changes, Including Updates to Bylaws

The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council (JPNC) held their monthly meeting on June 25 at the Farnsworth House, where they spent…

Lauren Bennett

Mayor’s Office Presents Research on Dominicans in Boston

On Thursday, June 13, residents gathered at the Curtis Hall Community Center for a presentation about the status of Dominicans…

Laura Plummer

Alcaldía Presenta Estadísticas Sobre Los Dominicanos En Boston

El jueves 13 de junio, un grupo de residentes se juntaron en el Centro Comunitario Curtis Hall para escuchar una…

Lauren Bennett

JP Observer: JPNDC Program for Small Contractors Left out of the Boom Deserves a Boost

By Sandra Storey/Special to the Gazette Boston is experiencing an incredible building surge right now. Evidence abounds right here in…

Sandra Storey