BPDA proposes changes to Plan: JP/Rox study

The Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) is proposing changes to the Plan: JP/Rox study, including reducing the projected growth…

Peter Shanley

SNA votes not to oppose 76 Stonley Road project

The Stonybrook Neighborhood Association (SNA) voted during a Dec. 12 meeting not to oppose the 76 Stonley Road project at…

Peter Shanley

City to lower speed limit

By Beth Treffeisen Special to the Gazette In an effort to improve roadway safety for people walking, driving, and bicycling…

Gazette Staff

Sights and Sounds, Dec. 23, 2016

The deadline for listings is noon, Tues. Jan. 10 for the Jan. 13 issue. Send listings to reporter@jamaicaplaingazette.com. Note: 617…

Gazette Staff

Invitacion, Dec. 23, 2016

El plazo para la sección de participación es al mediodía, martes, el 10 enero para la edición del 13 enero.…

Gazette Staff

Letter: Pudzer is a bad choice

President-elect Trump’s Department of Labor nominee is a man whose beliefs and actions demonstrate contempt for the basics working people…

Peter Shanley

Letter: Pudzer is a bad choice, part II

The appointment of the Labor Secretary nominee Andrew Puzder will be devastating to working people’s health. Colleagues of mine at…

Gazette Staff

Letter: Thank you

We sincerely thank ten local store and restaurant owners who contributed gift certificates to First Church Unitarian Universalist’s annual Holiday…

Gazette Staff

Letter: Bag ordinance a good idea

I recently read that Mayor Marty Walsh is opposed to the idea of a five-cent store bag fee as making…

Peter Shanley

Community shares mixed responses to Forest Hills development

At a Nov. 30 meeting, about 65 residents listened to Criterion Development’s proposal to construct a six-story, mixed-used development at…

Emily Resnevic