Display Advertising

1.  Local Display
2.  Advertising Agency/National Display
3.  Directory – Professional Directory, Home Service Guide, Pet Services Directory,
     For Your Health, Mind and Body
4.  Pre-Printed Inserts
5.  Web Link

1. Local Display Advertising
Also known as ROP (Run Of Paper) Display

•Deadline for space reservations and rough ad copy, Friday 5 p.m. the week before publication.
Plan Your Advertising
    •Think about your purpose for advertising. Think about what you want to say. Think about your budget. Look over the information below. Then call the Gazette or click below and someone will get in touch with you. We will be happy to help you come up with the specific plan that is best for you.
    •Don’t worry. You don’t have to make your ad on a computer. We have a very talented graphic artist on staff with access to many graphic elements who can make up your ad for you using your ideas.
Common Sizes and Prices
•One Time, One Paper Placement; Rates Lower with More Placements
•Full Page

Jamaica Plain: $1,633.60

Mission Hill: $1,244.00
•Half Page Jamaica Plain: $832.80 Mission Hill: $636.40
•Quarter Page Jamaica Plain: $423.40

Mission Hill: $324.40

•Eighth Page Jamaica Plain: $215.00 Mission Hill: $162.20
Tenth Page Jamaica Plain: $172.00 Mission Hill: $132.00

    •Prices for display ads in the Gazette start as low as $41.50
    •Prices in the Gazette range from $16.00 to $21.50 per column inch depending on the sizes and number of ads ordered.

Combination Discounts
•Advertisers ordering ads in both papers at the same time may add the column inches in both together for a bigger volume discount. Prices are then calculated separately for each paper, not averaged or combined.


    •5% discount for local non-profit organizations
    •5% discount for PDF ads that are sized correctly and require no labor.
    •3% discount for short-term contract (5 or more specific issues)
    •4% discount for long-term contract (10 or more specific issues)
    •5% discount for long-term contract (10 or more consecutive issues)

•Gazette Pages are Divided into 5 col. x 16 inches (80 column inches)

•Ad heights may be anything between 2 and 15 3/4 inches (allows 1/4 inch for page number).
•Ad widths are Standard Advertising Units (SAU) for a 16″ tabloid
•1 col. wide = 2 1/16 inches
•2 col. wide = 4 1/4 inches
•3 col. wide = 6 7/16 inches
•4 col. wide = 8 5/8 inches
•5 col. wide = 10 13.16 inches
•Minimum ad size is 2 column inches.

Example Sizes and Prices
•Full Page: 5 col. x 15 3/4 inches
•Half Page: 5 col. x 8 inches or 4 col. x 10 inches
•Quarter Page: 3 col. x 7 inches or 2 col. x 10 inches
•Eighth Page: 2 col. x 5 inches or 3 col. x 3 1/2 inches

Extra Services and Charges
•Specific page placement: 10% additional charge
•Receipt of copy or changes after deadline: $20 per day
•Full color: $250

•English/Spanish translation: First 20 words $10, 25c. per additional word

Click here to contact our advertising department.

2. Advertising Agency/National Display Advertising
R.O.P. Display Advertising
Based on camera-ready copy, commissionable

•All Gazettes are sized according to Standard Advertising Units (SAU) for a 16″ tabloid. Pages are reduced by 3% in final production. Half-tones are shot with 85 line screen (65-100 line screen available).

Deadlines for Friday Publication

•Space Reservations: Previous Friday 5pm

•Receipt of camera-ready ad: Wednesday, noon

•See Gazette Publishing Calendar or call for publishing dates

Price Per Column Inch
•This publication only

•Jamaica Plain……..$21.50/gross ($18.28/net)
•Mission Hill………$16.50/gross ($14.03/net)

Both Publications

•Jamaica Plain……..$20.42/gross ($17.36/net)

•Mission Hill………$15.68/gross ($13.32/net)

•Specific page placement:10% additional

•Color:$100 each

•Full color:$250

•English/Spanish translation:$.20 per word, commissionable

•Back page, full color special:no 10% page placement charge

•Mechanical Requirements:
Full Page: 7 columns
(10 13/16″) wide x 16″ (15.5″ image area) deep


•1 col = 2 1/16 inches

•2 col = 4 1/4 inches

•3 col = 6 7/16 inches

•4 col = 8 5/8 inches

•5 col = 10 13/16 inches

Click here to contact our advertising department.

3. Directory Advertising

Advertising in one of the Jamaica Plain Gazette’s four directories is inexpensive and frequently reminds readers about your business.

      Professional Directory Home Service Guide Pet Services Directory
              For Your Health-Mind and Body

•Deadline for space reservation and receipt of ad copy is previous Friday by 5 p.m.

•Minimum order is 4 placements. Each ad has its own header in addition to sizes below. First two ads must be pre-paid.

Three sizes*

•Small: 3 1/2″ wide by 1″ high        $31 or less per ad
•Medium: 3 1/2″ wide by 2″ high    $56 or less per ad
•Large: 3 1/2″ wide by 3″ high        $81 or less per ad

Special Treatments
•Extra large ads: Multiply by large ad above and subtract $1 per ad ordered.
•Client changes in ad copy during contract period: $20 each.
•English/Spanish translation: first 20 words $10; 25¢ per additional word.

Click here to contact our advertising department.


4. Pre-Printed Inserts

•The Gazette is happy to insert and distribute materials that have already been printed.

•Deadline for ordering insert service is Friday at 5 p.m. before Friday publication the next week.

Number of inserts
•Total circulation in JP is 16,500. Minimum order is 2,000.
•Fewer than 16,500 inserts may be targeted for distribution as follows:
•3,400 to offices and stores or
•12,800 to all households or
•6,400 to western JP or 6,400 to eastern JP.

Prices for JP Insertion and Distribution
•2-15 thousand, $54 per thousand
•16-31 thousand, $51 per thousand
•5% discount for non-profit organizations
•Inquire about discounts on orders to place inserts in more than one issue.

•Customer is responsible for delivery of inserts to the Gazette printer.

•For Mission Hill: 7,000 copies, $39 per thousand

Click here to contact our advertising department.