Categories: Opinion

Thanks, JP, for rallying against cancer

As honorary captain of the Jimmy Fund’s Rally Against Cancer, I want to thank the residents, students, schools and businesses of Jamaica Plain for contributing $435 to last year’s event. Your generosity helps support cancer research and care for adults and children at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and is critical in the fight against cancer.

I also want to invite everyone to participate in this year’s Rally Against Cancer. Businesses and schools throughout New England are encouraged to allow their employees and students who contribute at least $5 to the Jimmy Fund to wear Red Sox gear to work or school on April 10—Red Sox opening day at Fenway Park. Our goal is to raise $500,000 for the Jimmy Fund. To do my part for the Rally Against Cancer, I will visit the Rally team that raises the most money by April 10.

Thanks again to those who participated last year, and I hope you’ll join me in this year’s Rally Against Cancer. For more information or to register a team, go to www.jimmyfund.org/rally.

Kevin Youkilis
Boston Red Sox

John Ruch:
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