Make way for repaving in June


CENTRE/SOUTH ST.—The City of Boston Public Works Department (PWD) unveiled specific plans for Phase I of the South/Centre Street resurfacing project at the board meeting of the Jamaica Plain Business and Professional Association on May 21.

Plans call for the tracks on Centre and South streets from Forest Hills to S. Huntington Avenue to be paved over and for handicapped access ramps in sidewalks to be rebuilt by the end of this summer.

All the handicapped ramps on South Street were predicted to have been finished by this week.

According to a handout presented at the meeting, significant repaving work will be done from Sat., June 7 through Fri., June 20 mostly on South Street. Some of it will take place during the day and some at night. “All jackhammers and loud machinery will be shut down by 1 a.m. during night shifts,” the statement said.

On Tuesday, the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council voted to endorse the night work, because it speeds up the process and causes less disruption.

PWD Assistant Commissioner Frank O’Brien said that if there were a lot of complaints about night work, they would suspend it.

Parking will banned when and where the crews are working. Any parked cars in the “no parking” area will be towed. Some side streets may be closed in the area where work is taking place. Rain may affect some of the work and the schedule. The road “will be completely open, safe and passable at the end of each work shift,” according to the handout.


June 7, 6 a.m. to completion: Tracks from Centre Street near the monument to Forest Hills will be made level.

June 8, 6 a.m. to completion: Tracks from South Street to S. Huntington Avenue will be made level.

June 9 through June 12, 7 p.m. to 5 a.m.: The existing surface from Centre Street to Forest Hills will be coldplaned or scarified, that is, roughed up, in preparation for repaving.

June 14 through June 15, 7 a.m.-7 p.m.: Reset roadway structures such as manholes from Centre Street to Forest Hills.

June 16 through June 17, 7 p.m.-midnight: Reset all utility roadway structures.

June 18-June 20: Pave South Street from Centre Street to Forest Hills Station.


Chief Construction Inspector Kevin Linskey emphasized that he and PWD including want to communicate with the community and listen to suggestions and concerns. “We want everyone to be happy,” he said. “We’re open to change. We are trying our best to make the least amount of commotion.”

PWD plans to communicate its activities through: electronic message boards placed at three locations prior to the beginning of construction; leaflets on cars and at businesses; detour signs and clearly posted detour routes.

Business association members praised the information. “You are making an extraordinary effort to give notice,” Carlos Icaza said.

Elaine Hackney agreed. “We recognize you are taking extra measures to insure that the improvements in JP cause the least amount of disruption,” she said.

Linskey said he can be reached on his cell phone at 438-8507 by anyone with a concern or problem.

David Taber contributed to this article.

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