Categories: Opinion

Library and business share goals

As Friends of the Connolly Branch Library in Hyde Square, we are dismayed at the news that, according to the owners, Bella Luna and Milky Way are being forced out of our neighborhood by a raise in rent.

Why would advocates for and friends of our library take an interest in the fate of neighboring businesses? Put simply, Bella Luna, Milky Way and the work of the Connolly Branch library are founded on shared goals for a safe, healthy community. Just as our library aspires to be a safe place for all, their presence in Hyde Square has contributed to safer streets for young and old alike. Just as our library is a gathering place for families and individuals, rich and poor, Bella Luna and Milky Way are spots where everyone feels comfortable and welcome. Just as our library offers our resources to help local groups develop their work, Bella Luna and Milky Way have been the places community organizations find support for public events and fundraising.

The move threatens the character of Hyde Square as a crossroads for all residents. We urge everyone concerned to do whatever is necessary to keep these businesses in Hyde Square as long as possible.

Fran Streeter and Emily Silas
Co-chairs, Friends of the Connolly Branch Library
Jamaica Plain

John Ruch:
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