Categories: Opinion

Up close, closing of teen homes is tragic

The article in the April 3, 2009 JP Gazette, “Group homes for teens closing,” hit close to home for me. My business has operated across the street from one of these homes since 1976. I have the greatest respect for Gerry Wright and his work with teens for all these years. We have never had a negative incident with the residents of the Perkins Street group home. In fact, the residents have called us when they observed suspicious activity at the funeral home.

Community Caring has given a diverse group of kids a chance to live in a neighborhood rather than an in-stitution. I think we need to have this type of option in the city for kids experiencing misfortune and bro-ken homes. The closing of these homes is tragic. Where will these children go?

Jerry Rodgers
Mann & Rodgers Funeral Home, Inc.
Jamaica Plain

John Ruch:
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