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Innovative ‘Code Blue’ network axed

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English High School’s new headmaster Sito Narcisse told the Gazette this month that he has done away with the school’s Code Blue information network.

The teacher-designed computer network was touted in English’s 2007-2008 Commonwealth Pilot School self-evaluation. [See related article.] Its goal was to allowed teachers and school support staff access to up-to-the-minute student records.

Speaking to the Gazette last year, a teacher at the school who helped design the network offered the example of a student who “blew up” at former English Headmaster Jose Duarte. Duarte was able to access the student’s fine on the network and found out from an update from another teacher that the student had recently become homeless.

BPS officials told the Gazette last year that they were working to get a professionally developed system for the whole system that would perform a similar function.

Narcisse said he discontinued use of the school’s teacher-constructed network because he had heard concerns that it was not secure enough.

David Taber:
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