Categories: Opinion

Solving traffic problems absent from Centre/South planning

The following letter was addressed to Vineet Gupta of the Boston Transportation Department and Ines Palmarin of the Boston Redevelopment Authority regarding the ongoing community process developing a Centre/South Street Action Plan.

Needless to say, given the continuing traffic backups from the Monument to Canary Square during the afternoon and the morning hours, as well as traffic backed up on Green Street, where I live, I am very disappointed at the work of the present committee to develop “improvements” for the Centre/South corridor. Not one traffic enhancement measure has yet been taken, despite the fact that I have been talking to you, Mr. Gupta, and others at the Boston Transportation Department for years about traffic problems on the corridor. You cannot just “beautify” what is there without basic changes to the way traffic flows (or bottlenecks) through the corridor.

We also continue to see U-turns and double-parking and idling in the business zone on Centre Street where I walk every day. I don’t have any confidence that the action plan will do anything to change current traffic congestion problems. Please note these comments for your upcoming meetings.

David White
Jamaica Plain

John Ruch:
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