Through an omission, the wonderful bands that will play in the parade ushering in the Wake Up the Earth Festival on May 1 were left off our program that appeared in the April 16 Gazette. We especially appreciate that the instruments are heavy, and the route down Centre Street is long—since the parade and festival seek to unite all our wonderful ethnic neighborhoods.
We want to extend heartfelt thanks to Bloco Brazil, Mariachi Berklee and Emperor Norton’s Stationary Marching Band. Thanks as well to the youth of the Spontaneous Samba Band with Cornell Coley, and leading off, the youth of LaPiñata with Rosalba Solis. Thanks as well to the drummers of Batucada Belles, who will herald the parade and festival from Mozart Park on Centre Street. Thanks to the youths of Nativity Prep School, who will welcome the parade and festival with African drumming from the bike path by Jackson Square.
Finally, two wonderful baton-twirling groups have contributed their presence to the parade for years: The prize-winning Bromley-Heath Saints All-Stars under Shawanda Patterson and Las Estrellas Tropicales, directed by second- and third-generation parade contributors Chiqui Rivera and Jossie Leon. All these bands and marchers play for only token fees, supporting the parade and festival mission of keeping alive and bringing together many Jamaica Plain cultures. Together we are strong. And loud. Many thanks.
Hope Haff
2010 Wake Up the Earth Parade Coordinator
Jamaica Plain