
Irene Shui was recently awarded Big Sister of the Year by Big Sister Association of Greater Boston.

Michael Robinson is a National Merit Semi-Finalist. He is a member of the Editorial Staff of the Roxbury Latin School Yearbook.

Nelson Tamayo is a member of the Editorial Staff of the Roxbury Latin School Yearbook.

Bishop Robert Hennessey, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston of the Central Region, presided over Mass in the CatholicTV studios in last month.

Joshua Mullins and Brendan Hughes achieved First Honors and Michael O’Sullivan achieved Second Honors at Catholic Memorial School.

The MSPCA-Boston’s Animal Care and Adoption Center
received a donation of $2,000 from the owners of Fat Ram’s Pumpkin Tattoo. The funds were raised through Pumpkin-Palooza 2010, the 10th anniversary celebration of the founding of Fat Ram’s Pumpkin Tattoo.

Carlos M. Romer achieved Honors for the First Quarter at Boston College High School.

Artist Beth Galston worked with Jamaica Plain Centre South Main Streets to create her sculptural fence in Jamaica Plain’s South Street Mall and Court. Ray Dunetz Landscape Architecture helped to create a sculpted environment for Galston’s work.

Laurie Maranian will run the 2011 Boston Marathon on behalf of the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress. She is accepting donations at

Pie in the Sky 2010 raised $450,000 to feed the critically ill, their most successful pie sale ever. This record-breaking total includes $100,000 worth of pies for Community Servings’ clients and other donations.