I am quite dismayed that President Barack Obama proposed legislation in his State of the Union address that would slash funding and virtually kill locally based poverty assistance programs like Jamaica Plain APAC, the local anti-poverty agency, and its parent organization, Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD). These programs funded by Community Service Block Grants (CSBG) are an essential safety net for poor and typically underserved populations.
As a user of JP APAC services, both in the past and present, I can attest that its services are essential, their staff professional and their clientele extensive. Losing this service would be a blow to JP’s poorest residents and the thought of that being replicated across the country is very sad. I am surprised to see President Obama, someone I think of as an ally of all Americans, especially the poor, making such a cavalier move that will affect so many poor people. Please, to those who read this and those who have the time, call your US representative and senator, write a letter to the President or do something else to help. JP APAC and its underserved clientele can’t afford to be slashed.
Nick Auerbach
Jamaica Plain