JP debating the arrival of a multinational chain store is nothing new. But in the ever-speeding Manhattan-ization of Boston, the context is now different, and it may well be that such chains are here to stay. The wild gentrification of…
Month: July 2014
Letter: Thanks for the farewell—and see you at the library
Thank you so much for the article about my plans to leave my job as the children’s librarian at the Connolly library. (“Connolly children’s library to retire,” June 6.) My immense gratitude also goes to everyone who attended the celebration…
Letter: Gazette is right about Curley House
The final paragraph of your editorial about the future of the Curley House, “What would Curley do?” (July 4), struck a nerve with me. Few Bostonians realize that Boston has the best water in the world as a result of…
Invitacion, July 18, 2014
El plazo para la lista de eventos es el 29 de julio al mediodía para la publicación del 1 de agosto. Mande a [email protected]. Atención: Marca el 617 antes de los números que salen abajo. Reuniones Reunión para hablar sobre…
Detectives investigate larceny at smoke shop
Detectives at Jamaica Plain’s District E-13 are investigating a larceny that occurred Sunday July 13 at the Smoke Shop Variety at 666 Centre St., according to Responding officers were informed that a suspect had walked behind the counter and…
Washington/Green project dropped from agenda
The status of a proposed development along Washington and Green streets is unclear, as it was supposed to appear for the second time before the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council’s Zoning Committee on July 16 before being pulled from the agenda.…
Man shot at Stony Brook T Station
A man was shot around 8 p.m. tonight near the entrance to the Stony Brook T Station, according to MBTA Transit Police. The 23-year-old victim suffered a wound that Transit Police described as apparently non-life-threatening. Transit Police detectives are investigating. Anyone…
Obituary: Howard F. Lehr; JP resident and electrical contractor
Howard F. Lehr, 73, passed away unexpectedly while on vacation in Dublin, Ireland on June 25, 2014. Beloved husband of the late Nancy G. Lehr, he leaves behind his daughters Virginia G. Lehr-LaGanke, of Bellingham, Mass., and Cynthia J. Holden…
BLC holds demo delay hearing tomorrow
The Boston Landmarks Commission (BLC) will hold a demolition delay hearing on 213 Lamartine St. tomorrow evening at City Hall, according to the BLC meeting agenda. The plan would demolish the existing two-family house and replace it with a three-unit…
Washington/Green project pulled from Zoning agenda
A revived proposal for a mixed-use redevelopment of properties at 3371-3375 Washington St. and 197-201 Green St. have been withdrawn from the agenda of the July 16 Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council Zoning Committee meeting. The withdrawal came at the request…