Letter: Post office needs Spanish-speaking workers

Thank you for continuing to publish letters, stories, and editorials about the scandalous lack of customer service at the JP Post Office.

According to your most recent story, the United States Post Service claims that installing a new manager will bring change, yet I have witnessed the turnover of managers over the past several years—and things have only worsened. It is clear that more staffing is needed, and bilingual staff, especially Spanish-speakers, is what we need to improve the situation for our community.

Twenty years ago there was a campaign in JP to hire Spanish-speakers to work at the front window of the JP Post Office, and the manager threw up his hands and blamed the union’s seniority rules. Hiring Spanish-speaking clerks would help reduce the long wait in the line, and provide better customer service.

It would be most helpful to residents concerned about this issue if you would publish the telephone number of the customer services complaint line. [Editor’s note: Anyone with mail problems can contact USPS’s Consumer Affair’s Department by calling 617-654-5740 or by emailing consumer&industrycontactgreaterbostondistrict@usps.gov.]

Ginny Zanger

Jamaica Plain resident

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