The Jamaica Plain Branch of the Boston Public Library (BPL)’s ongoing construction remains on schedule, according to information provided by BPL spokesperson Rosemary Lavery.
As of March 15, steels and framework are being constructed, excavation related to a foundation wall is commencing, and wall frames are expected to be installed in early April.
For design, a furniture package is expected to be released for bidding in late March. BPL will begin vetting JP-related factoids that will be incorporated onto a wall. An update regarding the “Call to Artists” is expected shortly from the Boston Arts Commission.
As of March 14, Sedgwick Street will be closed to thru-traffic between the hours of 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. when work is taking place. Sedgwick Street will reopen to thru-traffic between 4 p.m. and 7 a.m.
Utility work on South Street will be limited to the hours of 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. During the work, street parking along Sedgwick Street will be banned in front of the library building due to the presence of heavy equipment and vehicles. Supplemental parking is being provided for residents at the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish on South Street. Curtis Hall also offered overnight parking for Sedgwick residents provided that vehicles are moved in the early morning for Community Center patrons.
The street-related work is expected to conclude by the end of June. At that time, the road will be re-opened to thru-traffic.