Month: March 2016
JP Agenda, March 11, 2016
The deadline for listings is noon, Tues., Mar. 22 for the Mar. 25 issue. Send listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Meetings JP Problem Properties Committee, first Wednesday of…
An Open Letter from Jamaica Plain clergy on Black Lives Matter
We love Jamaica Plain. Nowhere else in Boston is there such a diverse mix of peoples and cultures so close together. The community we share is, for us, a little taste of Eden in America, to invoke the old 19th…
Letter: Mental health
I recently read a letter to the editor on these pages in which the writer stated she opposed the criminalization of mental health. The writer states she is a graduate social work student and states there has been “a growing…
Letter: Destruction of Jamaica Pond wall
On Feb. 16, a DCR work crew demolished a section of historic Jamaica Pond stone retaining wall to drain backed up rainwater from Frances Parkman Drive. To date, there has been no explanation, apology, or repair. This confirms, if more…
Letter: Be honest, Mayor Walsh: What are your plans?
The recent proposed budget cuts in the Boston Public Schools, and the subsequent articles and interviews that followed only underscore what a disservice we, as a city, are doing to our children. Mayor Martin Walsh has indicated that the school…