I’m a proud Democrat, and an ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton for President. In my 13 years as an eligible voter, I have rarely voted for someone other than the Democratic nominee for any position up or down the ballot.…
Month: October 2016
Letter: JP voters face a clear choice on Question 2
On Nov. 8, Baystaters will face a decision that could impact our public education system for years to come. If approved, Question 2 would allow for the creation of up to 12 new charter schools per year. Massachusetts charter schools…
Protesters take center stage during the BRA rename unveiling
By Beth Treffeisen Gazette Staff During the unveiling ceremony on Sept. 27 for the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA), formally known as the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA), protesters took center stage, sporting a sign with the agency’s new logo…
Protesters stage ‘die-in’ at Plan: JP/ROX meeting
Protesters staged a “die-in” at the last scheduled community meeting for the Plan: JP/Rox corridor study, which took place on Sept. 21 at the English High School. Posters were placed around the room and residents filed into English High School’s…
ZBA hearing on 64 Allandale St. project deferred
The developer of the 64 Allandale St. project asked, and was granted, a deferral during a Sept. 27 Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) hearing on variances the project needs. The project is now expected to go before the ZBA in…
Manifestantes dominan la reunión de JP/Rox
El 21 de septiembre, aparecieron carteles en la cafetería de English High School mientras residentes entraban para el último evento comunitario planeado para el proceso de Plan JP/Rox. El proceso de 15 meses culminó en una fiesta casual anticlimática con…
Call 311 for recovery
A new hotline support system has been launched to help people struggling with substance use and addiction to access recovery resources, according to a press release. Now anyone in Boston can call 311 24/7 for any level of substance use/addiction…
Self-driving cars in Boston’s future
Moves are being made by the City to explore the potential use of self-driving vehicles in Boston, according to a press release. A new program has been launched as a collaboration between Boston Transportation Department and the Mayor’s Office of…
Man fatally shot in Jackson Square
A 42-year-old male was fatally shot at the Mildred C. Hailey Apartments in Jackson Square on Sept. 27, according to bpdnews.com. Boston Police Department (BPD) officers responded to a report of a person shot at the housing development around 12:56…