JP Agenda, March 24, 2017

The deadline for listings is noon, Tues., Apr. 11 for the Apr. 14 issue. Send listings to reporter@jamaicaplaingazette.com. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given.


JP Problem Properties Committee, first Wednesday of the month, 10:30am, E-13 Police Station Community Room, 3347 Washington St. Info: Liana Poston, 722-2060.

Proposal for Dog Park Meeting, proposal for off-leash dog area at the Southwest Corridor Park near Anson St. Weds. Apr. 5 from 6:30-8pm, English High School Auditorium, 144 McBride St. Held by DCR.

Phase V: Franklin Park Pathways, Thurs. Mar. 30, 6pm, Franklin Park Golf Course Club House, 1 Circuit Drive, Dorchester. Info: Lauren Bryant: 961-3019.

The Jamaica Pond Association has invited Karen Mauney-Brodek, President of the Emerald Necklace Conservancy, to meet and briefly address members at the Mon. Apr. 3 business meeting.  The JPA meetings are open to the public, and are held the first Monday of the month at the Jamaicaway Tower meeting room, 111 Perkins Street, Jamaica Plain. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and adjourn at 9:00 p.m

Networking Group, local chapter of BNI, meets on Wednesdays at the Farnsworth House at 7am. Consists of 30 members of different professions. Through development and trust and relationships amongst the members, objective is to promote each other’s businesses. Members may live outside of JP, but common tie is either living in or servicing the JP area. Info: President of chapter Katelyn Atwater, info: 431-0929.

Democratic Ward 11 Caucus, Mon. Mar. 27 at 6:30pm. Farnsworth House, 90 South St. Email MiMiTurley@hotmail.com.

The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council(JPNC) will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 28 at 7:00pm at Farnsworth House, 90 South Street. On the agenda will be a presentation from State Representative Jeffrey Sánchez. Also on the agenda will be reports from the Working Committees. All interested residents are invited to attend.

The Public Service Committee of the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 4 at 7:00pm at

Curtis Hall, 20 South Street. On the agenda will be a discussion of an

Open Streets event in Jamaica Plain. Also on the agenda will be a discussion on improved protection for residents from Electro-Magnetic radiation. All interested residents are invited to attend.

Police Community Relations Meeting will take place on Thursday, April 6 at 7:00pm at Station E-13 at 3347 Washington Street corner of Green Street. Commanders from Boston Police Area E, MBTA Police and State Police will deal with all issues of public safety raised by the community. All interested residents are invited to attend.

Urban Edge 43rd Annual Meeting, Weds. Apr. 26, 5-8pm, Under the Tent, Corner of Richie and Columbus, Roxbury.

Office Hours

         State Rep. Liz Malia, third Friday of each month, 8-9:30am, La Rana Rossa Pizza, 154 Green St. Info: 722-2060 or liz.malia@mahouse.gov.

Public Notices

Call for art submissions for brewery, Jamaica Plain Arts Council, JPNDC, and Samuel Adams are co-hosting PROJECTIONS II: Art on the Brewery Walls. Submissions due by midnight on Apr. 19 – 2D, 3D, and video.

Call for art submissions for library, JP Branch of the Boston Public Library will be regularly showing work by local artists in a series of exhibitions sponsored by the Friends of the JP Branch Library and managed by Uforge. These bi-monthly exhibits will be proposal-based, selected by a group of Jamaica Plain-area artists and library affiliates, The Friends welcome artists from across New England to submit recent two-dimensional work for a solo or group show, each lasting for two-month periods. There is no specific theme, but artists are encouraged to include work that can be enjoyed by the diverse visitorship of the JP Branch Library, including children, teens, and other community members. Accepted work will be displayed in a public area of the JP Branch Library, and an accompanying reception will be organized by Uforge on behalf of the Friends. Submission is free! Digital packets must be received by 5:00 PM on Fri. Apr. 7. Physical/in-person submissions will not be accepted. Info: http://www.friendsjplibrary.org/gallery-proposal. Questions? Email gallery@friendsjplibrary.org.

Forest Hills One Track Operation, Beginning on Sat. Mar. 25 and running through June, all Orange Line train service will arrive and depart from the western side of the Forest Hills platform (towards the Arboretum).   Normal two track operation will continue immediately north of the station.

            Airport Noise Complaint Line, Massport’s Noise Complaint line is open 6 AM to 6PM. Call whenever Logan Runway 27 airplane noise disturbs you: 561-3333. Congressman Mike Capuano 621-6208 and Congressman Steven Lynch 428-2000 also asked Jamaica Plain constituents to call their office about aircraft noise.

         Food pantry, choose from a selection of non-perishable foods, fresh produce, bakery bread, and personal items, no I.D. needed, everyone welcome, 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 11am-noon, First Church UU, 6 Eliot St.

Needle disposal, City of Boston reminds residents medical needles/syringes cannot be put in household trash; drop-off location: AIDS Action Committee, 75 Amory St. Needle exchange program for IV drug users available via AHOPE Boston at 534-3963. If needle found in public area, call Mayor’s Hotline: 635-4500.

Community composting, Saturdays, 10am-2pm, Egleston Square Farmers Market, 45 Brookside Ave. Info: greenovateboston.gov.

Spotholes, pothole reporting tool, 635-4500, Citizens Connect mobile phone app, cityofboston.gov/mayor/24, and using #spotholes on twitter.


         Support Group for Young Parents, a program of Jewish Family and Children’s Services, open to all faiths, for parents with children from birth to one-year, registration not required. Thursdays, 10:30am-noon. Info: 781-647- 5327/info@jfcsboston.org.

Egleston Square Library, free homework help, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, ongoing throughout the school year, 3:30-5:30pm, 2044 Columbus Ave, Roxbury.

Spanish English Language Exchange, Saturdays, 12-1:45pm. Connolly Branch Library.


Yoga Franklin Park, Saturdays, 9:15am, Schoolmaster Hill, Franklin Park. Info: franklinparkcoalition.org.

Yoga, meditation and stress reduction classes at the MindBody Center (SJPHC-HPC) @ 10 Green Street.  Low cost or free, in English and Spanish. For more information call 983-4226.

Fitness Walk, Saturdays, 8-9am, Franklin Park Golf Clubhouse parking lot. Info: alison.g.m.brown@gmail.com.

Yoga classes, meditation and stress reduction classes, low cost, some free, English and Spanish, MindBody/Health Promotion Center, 10 Green St. Info: 983-4226.

Care to Care, a support group for family caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, second Wednesdays of the month, 6:30-7:30pm. Springhouse, 44 Allandale St. Info: Meredith Griffiths, 522-0043/mgriffiths@springhouseboston.org.

Forest Hills Runners, several weekly group runs, info/schedule: foresthillsrunners.org.


Solve the opioid epidemic, talk held by Mass. Organization for Addiction Recovery (MOAR). Policymakers and the public are invited. Huvos Auditorium, Faulkner Hospital, Mar. 27, 5-8pm.

Know Your Rights event, hosted by the Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School. Sat. Apr. 8, 10am-5pm, Legal Services Center, 122 Boylston St. JP. Info: tinyurl.com/PeoplesLawSchool.

Woodworking, sewing, art classes, fiber arts, photography, book arts. Children, teens, adults, year round. Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts, 24 Eliot St. Info: eliotschool.org or 524-3313.

Shim Gum Do (Mind Sword Path), zen sword, karate and meditation classes, scholarships available, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: 429-8024/mushimgum@gmail.com.


Tai Chi Classes for Seniors, This evidence-based workshop focuses on preventing falls and improving balance through the regular practice of Tai Chi. Participants will learn 8 single forms, derived from the traditional, well known, 24-form Yang Style Tai Chi. The forms are tailored to older adults who wish to improve balance and mobility, and consequently, reduce the risk of falling. Class is offered at no charge and meets twice a week for 12 weeks. It is designed for beginners. Julia Martin House, 90 Bickford Street. Mondays & Thursdays 3-4 pm. Started Mar. 20. Info/register: contact Ann Glora at 617-477-6616 or aglora@ethocare.org

         ABCD Good Life Healthy Living Club, monthly wellness sessions, for adults 50+, Wednesdays, 10am. My Life, My Health, class for adults 50+ with chronic health conditions, weekly classes, Thursdays, 2pm. Computer classes for adults 50 and older, Mondays, 3pm. 30 Bickford St. Info: 522-4251.

Ethos workshops for healthy aging, Chronic disease management Tuesdays, 10am, SJPHC, 640 Centre St., powerful tools, Wednesdays, 4:30pm Ethos, 555 Amory St. Info: ethoscare.org.

Diabetes Self-Management Program, Hyde Park Community Center, 1179 River St., Wednesdays 9:30am-noon. Info: Ann Glora at 477-6616.

Crossroads Café, free lunch and social event for seniors and their guests, often featuring live music and educational presentations. Food made with local produce and other healthy ingredients. Bread, produce, milk, and leftovers to take home as available. Saturdays, First Baptist Church, 633 Centre St., 12:00-2pm. Info: 524-3992/www.firstbaptistjp.org.


Centre St. Beautification, Spring Hyde Jackson Beautification, Meet at Mozart Park, 10 Mozart Street, Apr. 22 at 9 am. Mulch street trees, plant flowers, spread mulch in municipal parking lot. 617-522-3694. www.hydejacksonsquare.org

Chelsea Jewish Hospice & Palliative Care (CJHPC) is seeking volunteers to offer companionship and support 1-2 hours per week to persons facing terminal illness who reside in Jamaica Plain.  Volunteers can make a difference for patients through activities such as holding a hand, listening to music, running an errand, or even just sitting quietly. Musicians, certified pet therapy teams, and those trained in alternative modalities such as Reiki are also encouraged to apply.  Free training provided.  Info: Aimee, Volunteer Coordinator, at 889-0779 or email afarrell@chelseajewish.org.

Fixit Clinic, Seeking volunteers for a Fixit Clinic event in Jamaica Plain: 

Can you fix broken toys? Can you solder, sew, tinker? Are you good at wood working or fixing lamps and other simple electrical things? Do you enjoy teaching others how to apply your skills? 

Do you want to help the environment and your community? 

If you answer yes to any one of these questions we hope that you will volunteer to organize and participate in an upcoming Fix-It clinic being organized by the Environment, Parks and Energy Committee of the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council. Please contact jpnc.fixitclinic@gmail.com.

Boston By Foot seeking guides, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting public awareness of Boston’s rich history and architectural heritage by offering guided tours. Annual training six Saturdays from March 25 to April 29. Applications open until March 10: bostonbyfoot.org.

Serve with Franklin Park Coalition, Seeking board members, committee members, and volunteers. Info: admin@franklinparkcoalition.org (Board of Directors and Committee) or volunteer@franklinparkcoalition.org (volunteer) or call at 442-4141.

Senior Companions Needed, Ethos is looking for elders to provide friendly visits and companionship to homebound or isolated seniors! Take a walk together, chat over a cup of coffee, play a board game, and develop a new and rich friendship! Volunteers must attend a one-time orientation and make a one hour per week commitment. Opportunities available in Jamaica Plain, Hyde Park, West Roxbury, Roslindale and Mattapan. Apply via www.ethocare.org/volunteer/application or call 522-6700.

English for New Bostonians, looking for volunteers to serve as ESL tutors. Info: 982-6864 / fmartinez@englishfornewbostonians.org.

VNA Care, a nonprofit home health and hospice organization, needs volunteers to provide companionship to patients and respite for family members in close to your home. Training, supervision, and support are provided. Call 781-569-2811 for more information about becoming a hospice volunteer or visit www.vnacare.org.

Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital at 1153 Centre St. seeking volunteers for gift shop, info desk, radiology, orthopedic center and more. Info: 983-7424 or brighamandwomensfaulkner.org.

FriendshipWorks Music Program, Do you enjoy music? Seeking volunteers to share music and friendship with elders in JP. 277-5248.


Newton Day, Maya Cheung, ’17, Mairead Hayes ’20, and Clara Parsons ’18 were awarded with Gold Distinction for a first semester grade average of A or A- with no grade below B+. Silver Distinction for achieving a B+ average with no grade below a B- was presented to Rheanna Patterson ’21.

Brimmer, The following students made high honor roll at Brimmer for Quarter 2: Nicholas Jaffer ’23, and Ben Jaffer ’21, sons of Farouc Jaffer and Katherine Economy. Eloisa Luczkow’23, daughter of Matthew Luczkow and Lidney Motch. Edan Zinn ’23, son of Prentice Zinn and Gabrielle Cobbs. Saul Hodin ’22, son of Stephen Hodin and Renee Markus Hodin. Constantine Kotsikonas ’22, son of Anastasios Kotsikonas and Emmie Chatzimanika. Joe Ridley Thaler ’21, son of Tania Unsworth and David Thaler. Samuel Lapat ’21, son of Aaron and Lauren Lapat.

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