JP Agenda, April 27, 2018

The deadline for listings is noon, Tues. May 8 for the May 11 issue. Send listings to reporter@jamaicaplaingazette.com. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given.


JP Zoning Committee, the Committee’s next regularly-scheduled meeting will be May 2nd at Farnsworth House.  The agenda for that meeting will include 106 Forest Hills Street (demolish existing structure and erect a three-story building with nine (9) residential units with balconies and roof decks and twelve (12) off-street parking spaces) and 3247-3249 Washington Street (construct a 3 1/2-story residential building with five (5) units and four (4) off-street parking spaces).  May 2nd, the Committee’s next upcoming meetings will be May 16th and June 6th.

Mayor Walsh Office Hours, Thurs. May 31 at Mozart St. Playground, 10 Mozart St. Jamaica Plain. Complimentary coffee and breakfast. 9:30am-10:30am.

Fight Climate Change with Boston CAN. May 10, at 6pm at First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain, Boston Climate Action Network welcomes residents to twice-monthly Action Team meetings. We focus on urging the City of Boston to take more urgent action to reduce climate change impacts and protect oir neighborhoods from changes that can no longer be prevented.

Info: ‭(734) 417-2799‬.

The Public Service Committee of the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 1 at 7:00pm at Curtis Hall at 20 South Street.On the agenda will be a petition of Achilitos Taqueria at 38 Hyde Park Avenue for a new 7-day Common Victualler (Restaurant) License, with take-out,with the hours of 7:00am to 11:00pm, with Margaret Pimentel as manager.Also on the agenda will be a discussion about morebicycle racks and other bicycle issues. Also on the agenda will be a discussion about improperly disposed syringes around the Shattuck Hospital and ways to increase the safe disposal of needles. All interested residents are invited to attend.

Police Community Relations Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 3 at 7:00pm at Curtis Hall at 20 South Street. Commanders from Boston Police Area E, MBTA Police and State Police will deal with all issues of public safety raised by the community. All interested residents are invited to attend.

The Ward 19 Democratic Party is rallying Jamaica Plain and Roslindale residents to get involved in swing district campaigns leading up to Election Day – November 6, 2018.  It is hosting a workshop to help local residents understand all the many ways that they can participate. Neighbors, in collaboration with national organizing groups, have been preparing for over a year and they’re ready for others to join them. Wednesday, May 2, 2018; 7-9 pm, Doyle’s Café, 3484 Washington St. J.P. pizza + snacks provided

JP Problem Properties Committee, first Wednesday of the month, 10:30am, E-13 Police Station Community Room, 3347 Washington St. Info: Liana Poston, 722-2060.

Bob Massie for Governor Campaign Event, Sun. May 6, 7-9pm, Doyles, 3484 Washington St. Hosted by campaign. Facebook.com/bobmass2018.

Stonybrook Neighborhood Association. Meetings on May 14, June 11, July 9, August 13, September 10, October 15, November 19 — 7-9pm, back room of Doyle’s, 3484 Washington St. More/latest info: www.sna-jp.org

Public Notices

         Airport Noise Complaint Line, Massport’s Noise Complaint line is open 6 AM to 6PM. Call whenever Logan Runway 27 airplane noise disturbs you: 561-3333. Congressman Mike Capuano 621-6208 and Congressman Steven Lynch 428-2000 also asked Jamaica Plain constituents to call their office about aircraft noise.

Free Community Meal Program: These are free walk-in meals for all ages with vegan options always available! Come in, eat all you want or take a plate to go! We recently hired a new cook, Elaina Smith & She provides a healthy home cooked  experience to every meal! Community dinner every Wednesday @6:30 pm. Crossroad Café lunch every Saturday @12pm

For More info contact Kennia Phone 617-524-3992 / Email:  Churchoffice@firstbaptistjp.org

         Just Cookin’ Kitchen is a partnership between FBCJP and caterers in need of quality kitchen space. We offer a commissary kitchen for less money, available to small businesses interested in catering, food truck prep and/or culinary educational experiences. We provide an opportunity to let your business grow so you can save & spend less on start-up cost. For More info contact Kennia Phone: 617-524-3992 / Email: Churchoffice@firstbaptistjp.org

Seeking Interested Local Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs for New Mentoring Program, In response to feedback from local small businesses and entrepreneurs, JP Centre/South Main Streets is excited to kick off a new mentoring program this year. The program will provide a valuable mentoring network to local small business owners and entrepreneurs. There will be opportunities to connect participants with entrepreneurs from other local university and business associations. Renee Wong, a local JP resident with extensive economic consulting background, is volunteering with JPCSMS to spearhead this project. If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur interested in participating in the program, as a mentor, mentee, or both, please reach out to Renee Wong or Ginger Brown.

Needle disposal, City of Boston reminds residents medical needles/syringes cannot be put in household trash; drop-off location: AIDS Action Committee, 75 Amory St. Needle exchange program for IV drug users available via AHOPE Boston at 534-3963. If needle found in public area, call Mayor’s Hotline: 635-4500.

Community composting, Saturdays, 10am-2pm, Egleston Square Farmers Market, 45 Brookside Ave. Info: greenovateboston.gov.

Spotholes, pothole reporting tool, 635-4500, Citizens Connect mobile phone app, cityofboston.gov/mayor/24, and using #spotholes on twitter.


18th Annual Curley K8 Plant Sale coming up on May 5th from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The School Parent Council turns the parking lot across from the school into a pop up nursery for the day.  There will be a fantastic selection of annuals, herbs and vegetables. All proceeds support the arts, music and enrichment programs at the school. Shop local and support a local school! Info: Kristin Jurkoic, 617.548.1461

The Arboretum is pleased to be hosting events for the upcoming Boston City Nature Challenge on April 27-30th, a city-wide “bio-blitz” that allows volunteers to use the iNaturalist phone app to observe organisms on their smartphones and submit observations to an online database. Arboretum CNC events are aimed at helping people discover biodiversity among the Arboretum’s collections and less-visited areas while honing their observation and identification skills. Participating in the City Nature Challenge at the Arboretum is a great way for kids and adults to get involved with citizen science and help catalogue biodiversity in their city!

         Support Group for Young Parents, a program of Jewish Family and Children’s Services, open to all faiths, for parents with children from birth to one-year, registration not required. Thursdays, 10:30am-noon. Info: 781-647- 5327/info@jfcsboston.org.

Egleston Square Library, free homework help, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, ongoing throughout the school year, 3:30-5:30pm, 2044 Columbus Ave, Roxbury.

Spanish English Language Exchange, Saturdays, 12-1:45pm. Connolly Branch Library.


Weekly Bicycle Training rides  Tuesday and Thursday, fast-paced paceline ride.  Meet at 7:00 a.m. sharp at Ferris Wheels Bike Shop.  Bring your bike. For more information call 617-524-BIKE.

Camp Casco will host its first annual 5K Walk/Run for Cancer Survivors on May 20, at the Arnold Arboretum in Boston. 100% of the funds raised will directly support Camp Casco’s annual summer camps and family engagement events throughout the year. For more information on the event, to volunteer, register, fundraise or become a sponsor, visit https://www.campcasco.org/5k/about. For questions, please reach out to race director James Gullbrand.

parkrun is a grassroots, community running event, run by volunteers for the local running and walking community. We hold free timed 5k events every week.  Everyone is invited to run, jog or walk for 5k (two laps around the pond). We are very proud to be the first parkrun in Boston, MA. Its

been a very successful initiative for getting people of all ages outside to exercise, and to meet members of their local community. We meet on

Saturdays at 8:45am at the top of the Sugarbowl. Run starts at 9:00am.

All welcome, all ages, all abilities.

Yoga, meditation and stress reduction classes at the MindBody Center (SJPHC-HPC) @ 10 Green Street.  Low cost or free, in English and Spanish. For more information call 983-4226.

Fitness Walk, Saturdays, 8-9am, Franklin Park Golf Clubhouse parking lot. Info: alison.g.m.brown@gmail.com.

Care to Care, a support group for family caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, second Wednesdays of the month, 6:30-7:30pm. Springhouse, 44 Allandale St. Info: Meredith Griffiths, 522-0043/mgriffiths@springhouseboston.org.

Forest Hills Runners, several weekly group runs, info/schedule: foresthillsrunners.org.


Caregiver Support Workshop, Savvy Caregiver is a training program for caregivers who care for someone with Alzheimer’s or related Dementias. It assists family members (or friends) in their new role as caregiver, a role for which they may be unprepared. The program builds information and knowledge about the illness, helps to develop skills to manage daily life, and creates an outlet to share challenges and experiences with others. The program is offered at no charge and meets 1 day per week for 6 weeks. *If you would like to attend the class, but need someone to care for your loved one while you do so, respite care can be arranged. For more information or to register contact Ann Glora at 617-477-6616 or aglora@ethocare.org

Location: Rogerson House, 30 Beaufort Road in Jamaica Plain. Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Dates:  April 5th through May 10th, 2018

         Monthly Memory Café, Are you an individual with memory loss? Are you a caregiver to someone with memory loss? Are you looking for an enjoyable way to spend time together? Come and enjoy coffee, creative arts, refreshments and conversations with new friends of all ages. Amory Street Housing Development, 125 Amory St., in the community room. Meets the last Thursday of every month from 1:30-3pm. Free to all. Call Brittany McLaren at Upham’s Elder Service Plan at 440-1615 or email bmclaren@uphams.org for more info.

JP Jubilee, “Singing our way to Longevity”, a class for all seniors who want to learn new songs and musical skills, make friends, promote good health and perform for the community. Meets Friday mornings 10:30-noon from Feb. 23-May 11. Class is held at JP Branch of Boston Public Library, 30 South St. 524-2053. Wheelchair accessible. Instructor is Elizabeth Anker, singer and voice teacher. No registration, audition or experience required. New English speakers welcome.

         ABCD Good Life Healthy Living Club, monthly wellness sessions, for adults 50+, Wednesdays, 10am. My Life, My Health, class for adults 50+ with chronic health conditions, weekly classes, Thursdays, 2pm. Computer classes for adults 50 and older, Mondays, 3pm. 30 Bickford St. Info: 522-4251.

         Community Arts Music Program for Seniors, Curtis Hall, 20 South St., Fridays 10:30-noon. Info: 983-3638.

Ethos workshops for healthy aging, Chronic disease management Tuesdays, 10am, SJPHC, 640 Centre St., powerful tools, Wednesdays, 4:30pm Ethos, 555 Amory St. Info: ethoscare.org.

Diabetes Self-Management Program, Hyde Park Community Center, 1179 River St., Wednesdays 9:30am-noon. Info: Ann Glora at 477-6616.

Crossroads Café, free lunch and social event for seniors and their guests, often featuring live music and educational presentations. Food made with local produce and other healthy ingredients. Bread, produce, milk, and leftovers to take home as available. Saturdays, First Baptist Church, 633 Centre St., 12:00-2pm. Info: 524-3992/www.firstbaptistjp.org.


The Annual Jamaica Plain Love Your Block/Spring Clean-Up will be on Saturday, May 5 from 9:00am  to 1:00pm. Tools will be available at 8:00am at Curtis Hall or 9:00am at Mozart Park. All interested residents who want to organize a local clean-up should have signed up in advance with Alexandra Valdez at www.boston.gov/2018-love-your-block-spring-cleanup or at (617) 635-2185.

Volunteer Tutors Needed, The Boston Teachers Union School is looking for volunteers to tutor middle school students one-on-one or in small groups Tuesday and/or Wednesday afternoons from 3 to 4:30 PM. Contact:

David Weinstein, 7/8th Grade Math Teacher, Boston Teachers Union Pilot School, dweinstein@bostonpublicschools.org, 857-334-9855.

Volunteer as a mentor or tutor, help students explore career and college opportunities. Tutor students in a range of subjects including math, science, history, English, foreign languages, SAT, and more. Tues, Weds, and Thurs, 3-8pm, Saturday 10am-2:30pm. To apply: www.hydesquare.org/get-involved/join-our-programs/

         Chelsea Jewish Hospice & Palliative Care (CJHPC) is seeking volunteers to offer companionship and support 1-2 hours per week to persons facing terminal illness who reside in Jamaica Plain.  Volunteers can make a difference for patients through activities such as holding a hand, listening to music, running an errand, or even just sitting quietly. Musicians, certified pet therapy teams, and those trained in alternative modalities such as Reiki are also encouraged to apply.  Free training provided.  Info: Aimee, Volunteer Coordinator, at 889-0779 or email afarrell@chelseajewish.org.

Serve with Franklin Park Coalition, Seeking board members, committee members, and volunteers. Info: admin@franklinparkcoalition.org (Board of Directors and Committee) or volunteer@franklinparkcoalition.org (volunteer) or call at 442-4141.

Senior Companions Needed, Ethos is looking for elders to provide friendly visits and companionship to homebound or isolated seniors! Take a walk together, chat over a cup of coffee, play a board game, and develop a new and rich friendship! Volunteers must attend a one-time orientation and make a one hour per week commitment. Opportunities available in Jamaica Plain, Hyde Park, West Roxbury, Roslindale and Mattapan. Apply via www.ethocare.org/volunteer/application or call 522-6700.

English for New Bostonians, looking for volunteers to serve as ESL tutors. Info: 982-6864 / fmartinez@englishfornewbostonians.org.

VNA Care, a nonprofit home health and hospice organization, needs volunteers to provide companionship to patients and respite for family members in close to your home. Training, supervision, and support are provided. Call 781-569-2811 for more information about becoming a hospice volunteer or visit www.vnacare.org.

Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital at 1153 Centre St. seeking volunteers for gift shop, info desk, radiology, orthopedic center and more. Info: 983-7424 or brighamandwomensfaulkner.org.

FriendshipWorks Music Program, Do you enjoy music? Seeking volunteers to share music and friendship with elders in JP. 277-5248.

Academic Announcements

Curry College is proud to announce that Birgen Steinmann of Jamaica Plain, has been inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society. Birgen was one of 78 students inducted during a ceremony on the Curry College campus.

Catherine Aileen Bohling earned a Bachelor’s degree from UMass Amherst.


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