The Stonybrook Neighborhood Association (SNA) met virtually on September 13, where members discussed updates on projects in the area.
Mary Ward, a member of the garden team, said that things are now growing in the Burnett St. Garden and Park, one of the community benefits as part of the Vita and Extra Space storage project, along with the murals and community room. She said the wall still needs to be painted, and signage regarding the collaboration with Extra Space signage still needs to be done, but “the garden and the park are pretty much in good shape,” she said, and are “up and running.”
As for the mural, Jennifer Uhrhane announced that artists have been selected to complete two different murals, one “for the large corner area that faces English High School and McBride St.,” and another that faces the parking lot.
She said that they are waiting to hear what the final cost of the paint is, “then we will know how much fundraising has to happen.” She said that the work will be hidden from public view while the painting is happening, but there will be a “reveal event” when the murals are completed.
Additionally, Uhrhane said that Extra Space Storage has given permission for signage identifying the artists to be placed on the building, which will feature QR codes with more information.
Bill Rayelt reported that there is no update on the community room, but he did say that he has emailed Volunteers of America (VOA) Massachusetts and asked them if they’re able to attend a future SNA meeting to provide an update as the new community room partner and answer questions from the SNA and the public.
Fred Vetterlein gave an update on the Southwest Corridor Extension project, which he said was a concept that began a decade ago to extend the path on the east side of the MBTA Orange Line tracks. He said that a “connector path and dog park” have been proposed for the area behind Extra Space Storage on McBride St.
“It would be just a great addition to the community,” he said. Lena Shaprio from State Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz’s office said that a request to the state Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has been sent “asking them to come to the table to discuss this.”
Jennifer Uhrhane provided an update on the proposal for the BMS Paper expansion at 3390 Washington St. She said that the subcommittee still has concerns about the massing of the building and the green space behind it.
The proposal includes expanding the restaurant supply store as well as adding a large restaurant space, a grocery store, and about 160 units of housing.
Owner Bob Harrington has recently sought a liquor license for the restaurant, though the project is still moving through the Article 80 process with the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA). Harrington and his team came before the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council (JPNC) Public Service Committee, which said they needed more information before taking a vote.
“Absolutely nothing is final for this project,” Uhrhane said.
Doyle’s Proposal
The proposal for 3478-3484 Washington St. to create a restored Doyle’s restaurant and add a grocery store and housing had a BPDA public meeting on September 23, and comments can be sent to the BPDA regarding the project.
Jennifer Uhrhane reported that the proposal for 45 units of housing at 35 Brookley/10 Stonley was approved by both the Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) and the BPDA last year. She said it has a “pretty high affordability percentage” of 10 units.
“Out of those 10 units, five of them would be artist live/work spaces,” she said, and a mural wall is proposed for the side of the entrance.
She said that the SNA “thought it was approved and done, and apparently now the development team that got these approvals has now sold the project to the [Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation (JPNDC)],” which wants the building to be 100 percent affordable.