Classified Advertising

To place a classified ad, email, fax your text to 617-524-3921, call us at 617-524-2626, or drop off at 7 Harris Avenue. Be sure to write “Attention Classified Dept.” on any fax or envelope. Also include your name, phone number and credit card information or full address for billing purposes.

Classified Ads are for: Help Wanted, Yard Sale, For Sale, For Rent, Position Wanted, cars and household items for sale, etc.

To plan your ad, see deadlines and publishing calendar.

Line Classifieds:
•$14 for the first 10 words, including a small bold headline. Each additional word is 25 cents.
Note: a telephone number is one word.

Classified Display:
•$18 per column inch.


Ad widths:
1 col = 1.923″
2 col = 3.0998″
3 col = 6.0832″
4 col = 8.166″
5 col = 10.25″


•Classified pages are 7 columns wide by 16″ tall.
•Minimum ad size is 2 column inches.

Other Services:
•English/Spanish translation…First 20 words $10, 25 cents per additional word
•Client changes in ad copy after order processed….$5 per change.

•All Gazettes are sized according to Standard Advertising Units (SAU) for a 13″ tabloid. Pages arereduced by 3% in the final production. Half-tones are shot with 85 line screen (65-100 line screens available).

Spanish/English translation:
•$20 for the first 10 words, 30 cents per additional word, commissionable, earlier deadline.


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