Categories: Listings

Happenings, 7/22

The final, last-minute deadline for Happenings listings is noon, Aug. 9 for the Aug. 12 issue. Send arts and entertainment listings to reporter@jamaicaplaingazette.com. Listings with no end date will be run for 3 months, space permitting. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given.

Special Events

The Grill from Ipanema, all-you-can-eat Brazilian BBQ, live music by Samba no Pé. Tues. July 26, 6-9pm, at the Brewery Complex, 284 Amory St. $30, info/tickets: brownpapertickets.com/event/186005.

Art of July, silent art auction to benefit the JP Music Festival, DJ, chocolate fountain, featuring photography, paintings, pottery, glass. Wed. July 27, 6-9:30pm, Doyle’s Café, 3484 Washington St. $15. Info: artofjuly.com.

Summer Nights Out, presented by the Hyde Square Task Force. Latin dance lessons, health information, literacy activities for kids, refreshments, music. Free community Zumba class, 6:30-7:30. July 27, Aug. 3, 10, 6-8pm. In front of Blessed Sacrament Church, 365 Centre Street. Info: hydesquare.org.

Neighbors Night Out, family activities, games, food, performances. Fri. July 29, 5-8pm, Egleston Sq. YMCA parking lot, 3134 Washington St. Info: 343-5624.

“The Man Who Knows Too Much” dinner and magic show, with mentalist Chris Bolter. Doors at 7:15pm, Thurs. Aug. 4, Doyle’s Café, 3484 Washington St. Tickets $25-$35. Info/tickets: brownpapertickets.com.

First Thursday art openings, 35 art openings on Centre/South streets. Aug. 4, Sep. 1, 6-8pm. Info: jpcentresouthmainstreets.org.

JP Music Festival, two stages, 20 bands. Sat., Aug. 20, 1-7pm, Pinebank baseball field, Perkins St. & Jamaicaway. After-party show, Midway Café, 3496 Washington St. Info: jpmusicfestival.com.


Shrek 3 & 4 double feature, open air viewing. Sat., July 23, 8pm. Nira Rock, 18 Nira Ave. Info: NiraRock.org.

“Fly Away Home” at the Jamaica Pond Sugarbowl, Sun. July 24, 7pm, Pinebank Promontory, Jamaica Pond. Info: emeraldnecklace.org/movies-in-the-park.

“Toy Story 3” movie night, Sun. Aug. 7, 7pm, Allerton Overlook, Olmsted Park. Info: emeraldnecklace.org/movies-in-the-park.


The Boston Landmarks Orchestra, playing Astor Piazzolla’s, Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas: Invierno Porteño (Buenos Aires Winter) Verano orteño (Buenos Aires Summer) in conjunction with Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. July 31, 6pm, The Promontory at Pine Bank on Jamaica Pond. Info: landmarksorchestra.org.

Summer Sundays in the Park, Pinebank Promontory, Jamaica Pond, 6pm: July 31: Boston Landmarks Orchestra. Allerton Overlook, Olmsted Park, 6pm: Aug. 14: Boston Pops Ensemble. Info: emeraldnecklace.org/movies-in-the-park.

Music at Taylor House: Sun., July 24, 7pm: Milton Gurin, piano. Sun., Aug. 7, 7pm (outdoor concert): The Triton Brass Quintet. 50 Burroughs St. Info: 983-9334.

Open Mic Mondays, at the Hallway Gallery 8pm, 66a South St. Info: www.thehallwayjp.com.

The Midway Café, July 24, 3:30pm: Reagan Youth, Ashers, Unit 6, Yesterday’s Heroes, Nothing Left. 18+. 3496 Washington St. Info: 524-9038.

Viennese Delight, operetta showcase of works by Strauss, Lehar and Siecyznski performed by members of Janus Opera Productions, presented by JP Concerts, Thurs., Aug. 4, 8pm, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Revere St. & Roanoke Ave. Tickets $10. Info: jpconcerts.org.


Book discussion for adults, “Olive Kitteridge” by Elizabeth Strout. Mon., July 25, 7pm, Connolly Library, 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.


A Walk in the Arboretum with Painters for a Purpose, sales benefit the Elizabeth Stone House. Through July 23, Hunnewell Building, 125 Arborway. Info: 384-5209/arboretum.harvard.edu.


Milky Way Lounge & Bella Luna, Mondays, 8pm: game night with stump trivia. Tuesdays, 7pm: Dirty Water Saloon, country-western & line dancing. Saturdays: Mango’s Latin Dance Night, 10pm, $10. 21+. At the Brewery Complex, 284 Amory St. Info: milkywayjp.com.

Gender-Free/English Country Dance, beginners welcome and encouraged. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays (5th Tuesdays: experienced) of the month, 7:30-11:30pm, First Church of JP, Unitarian Universalist, Centre and Eliot Streets. Info: www.lcfd.org/bgfe//512-5554.


Connolly Branch Library: July 25, 6:30pm: family story time. July 27, 2pm & 3pm: “A world of bridges,” with the Museum of Science. Ages 5+. Aug. 1, 6:30pm: ‘Musica!’ a bilingual family music concert. Aug. 3, 2pm: Author David Kelly David A. Kelly will read the first chapter of his book ‘The Fenway Foul-Up.’ Aug. 15, 5:30pm: Countdown to Kindergarten. Tuesdays, 10:30am: toddler storytime. Wednesdays, 10:30am: Children’s Films. Thursdays through Aug. 11, 11:15am: ReadBoston storymobile. 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.

JP Branch Library: July 27, 4pm: Multicultural time, for stories and crafts from around the world. July 29, 10:30am: educators from the New England Aquarium. Aug. 3, 4pm: Doll E Daze, recycled craft doll-making and robot-making workshop. Aug. 4, 6:30pm: Pirates and Tales of the Sea with Romper, Rhythm, and Puppets. Aug. 10, 4pm: ‘Gwendolyn the Graceful Pig’ read by author David Ira Rottenberg with ballerinas from BalletRox. Tuesdays, 10:30am: Toddler/preschool story time. Wednesdays, 10:30am: Baby lapsit. 4pm: One World, Many Stories. Ages 5+. 12 Sedgwick St. Info: 524-2053.

Egleston Sq. Library: Aug. 5, 2pm: Norah Dooley tells live folk tales.  Sept. 1, 10:30am: Countdown to Kindergarten. Mondays, 10:30am: Preschool films. Tuesdays, 10:30am: preschool storytime, featuring puppets, songs games and fingerplays. Wednesdays, 5pm: Game night. Thursdays, noon: Throw Back Thursdays, showing films from the 50s through the early 80s. Fridays through Aug. 12, 1:15pm: ReadBoston storymobile. 2044 Columbus Ave. Info: 445-4340.

ReadBoston Storymobile. Weds. Through Aug. 10, 11:15am, at Bromley Heath, The Cave, 30 Bickford St. Thurs. through Aug. 11, 10am, at JP Head Start, 315 Centre St. Rear. Tues. through Aug. 9, 7pm,  at the Gazebo at Jamaica Pond. Weds. Through Aug. 10, 10am, at the Mosaic School, 85 Seavern Ave. Info: readboston.org.

Art and Culture at the Egleston Sq. YMCA, DJ, dance classes, mural-painting. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6-8pm, 3313 Washington St.

Families Creating Together, multigenerational Expressive Arts Program welcomes and includes children/youth with and without disabilities. siblings, friends, parents and grandparents in a wheelchair accessible setting presents these workshops in English, Spanish and American Sign Language. Storytelling, improv, theater exercises. Pre-register. July 25, Aug. 1, 6:30-7:30pm, Hennigan Community Center, 200 Heath St. Info: 524-6373.

Music Summer Camp, led by the Wenham Street Brass band. Includes building instruments, guest performers, developing musical and ensemble skills, and focusing on historical musical traditions. Through July 22, 9am-3pm, First Baptist Church, 633 Centre St. Info: wenhamstreetbrass.com.

Discovery Summer Program Showcase, celebrating the 40 Kennedy School students, their families, and the HSTF staff who have participated in a 6-week academic and arts program, Aug. 10, 6-8pm. In front of Blessed Sacrament Church, 365 Centre Street. Info: hydesquare.org.

Swim League, Boston Center For Youth & Families seeks youth participants ages 6-17 for a competitive swim league. Experience not necessary, but participants must be able to swim one length of the swimming pool, Hennigan Community Center, 200 Heath Street. Info: Bladimil Pujols, 635-5198/Bladimil.Pujols@cityofboston.gov.

Art, Woodworking and Sewing, Bookbinding and more at the Eliot School, classes start throughout the year. Days, evenings, weekends. The Eliot School of fine and Applied Arts, 24 Eliot St. info/course listings: www.eliotschool.org.

Learn to stiltwalk with Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Sundays, noon-2pm, $5. Info: 857-498-2438.

Hyde Square Task Force Programs, Kennedy School Summer Discovery Program, through Aug. 12, 4th & 5th graders. Music Clubhouse Drop-In, ages 10-18, Mon.-Fri., 3-8pm, Info: Aimee, 524-8303 x312; Open Dance Workshops, presented by the Hyde Square Task Force, Ages 10-13: Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm; 14-18: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm. Info: Barbara, 524-8303. Cheverus Building, 365 Centre St.

Toddler Drum Circle, a weekly gathering of toddlers 1-5 and parents to play, dance and drum, coordinated by Cornell “Sugarfoot” Coley, Saturdays, 9:30am-10:30am, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St., $5 fee. Info: 617/298-1790/afrolatin@onebox.com.

After-School Teen Welding and Teen Jewelry Workshops now available from 3-5pm on Mondays and Wednesdays at Stonybrook Fine Arts. Info: stonybrookfinearts.com.

Tours and Talks

Walking tours of historic Jamaica Plain, tours last approximately one hour, except Jamaica Pond tour, which lasts 90 minutes. Walks start at 11am and are cancelled in case of rain. Aug.13 : Monument Sq., leaves from Loring-Greenough House, 12 South St. Aug. 20: Sumner Hill, leaves from Loring-Greenough House, 12 South St. Aug 27: Stony Brook, leaves from Stonybrook T station. July 23, Sept. 10: Green St. Leaves from Southern JP Health Center, 640 Centre St. July 30, Sept. 17: Woodbourne. Leaves from Bethel AME, corner of Walk Hill & Wachusett streets. Sept. 3: Hyde Sq. Leaves from Sorella’s, 388 Centre St. Aug. 6, Sept. 24: Jamaica Pond. Leaves from the bandstand, Pond St. & Jamaicaway. Info: jphs.org.


BalletROX Linkup Wednesdays, meet the dancers, choregraphers, directors and friends of BalletROX. Aug. 3, Sept. 7, 7pm. Bella Luna, 284 Amory St.

Knitting Group, Thursdays, 6-8pm, JP Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St. Info: 524-2053.


Basic Final Cut Pro, explore concepts of editing while developing a basic understanding of Final Cut Pro.  Participants will learn the fundamentals of media management, aesthetics of editing, log and capture, basic cuts, text, graphics and music.  After completing the workshop, edit a certification project to be certified as a Producer/Editor. Mon. & Wed., Through Wed. Aug. 3, 6-9pm. At BNN studios, 3025 Washington St. Info: membership@bnntv.org/708-3224.

Pics in the Parks free photography workshops, open to people of all ages and skill levels who have a camera. Aug. 16, at the Jamaica Pond Boathouse. Info: 961-3051/cityofboston.gov/parks.

MindBody Center offers Yoga, Meditation and Stress Reduction classes. Low cost, beginners and continuing, English and Spanish. 640 Centre St., 983-4226.

Natural wisdom & compassion meditation group, with Joel Baehr, David Ekstrom, Leah Weiss Ekstrom, Carol Marsh, Nancy Dale teaching. 3rd & 4th Saturdays, 10am-noon, Omega Theater, 41 Greenough Ave. Info: jamaicaplain.fac@gmail.com.

Rebeca Oliveira: Reporter at the Jamaica Plain and Mission Hill Gazettes.
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