Categories: Opinion

Editorial: Vote Sept. 24

How great is this neighborhood? Well, we have our own mini city council that the government actually listens to on quality-of-life issues that affects us all sooner or later.

A lot of places would kill to have something like the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council. If you like democracy, you know how lucky we are to have it.

On Saturday, if you live in JP, you get to vote for who’s on it. Eighteen bold, civic-minded people have put themselves out there as candidates. Each of them has ideas on making JP better. You get to decide who’s best.

Maybe you have some good ideas, too. You could serve on the JPNC yourself. It has too few candidates running this time and will be appointing more in coming months. And unelected residents serve on its various committees.

The JPNC has been under the microscope lately for its actions around Whole Foods Market. If there’s an issue in this election, that’s it.

Whether you think the JPNC was off-course or on-target with that effort, you now get a great tool to weigh in: the vote.

Use it this Saturday.

Gazette Staff:
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