Sights & Sounds, Nov. 9, 2012

The deadline for listings is noon, Nov. 19 for the Nov. 23 issue. Send listings to reporter@jamaicaplaingazette.com. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given.

Special Events

Taste of Jamaica Plain, culinary tour of JP restaurants to support ESAC, Thu., Nov. 15, 6:30pm, Cedars Hall, 61 Rockwood St. $40 ahead, $45 at door. Info: esacboston.org.

First Thursday, community art shows and walkabout, throughout Centre and South streets, Thurs., Dec. 6, 6-8pm. Info: jpcentresouthmainstreets.org.


Architecture Alphabet Soup, paintings from Maggie Carberry, through Nov. 17, JP Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St. Info: 524-2052.

UForge Gallery: “Day of the Dead,” though Nov. 25. UForge Gallery, 767 Centre St. Info: 553-4480.

Thirty Spoons, graphite drawings, through Nov. 30, The Hallway Gallery, 66a South St. Info: thehallwayjp.com.

Woodblock prints from nature by Mardi Reed, through Nov. 30, Connolly Library, 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.

Paintings by M’Liz Keefe & Rick Legge, through Dec. 17, James’s Gate, 5 McBride St. Info: 983-1760.


Milky Way Lounge, First Thursdays: SUBTROPIX, Cumbia, Moombahton, & Tropical Bass. Saturdays: Mango’s Latin Saturdays. 284 Amory St., 524-6060.

West African dance classes, taught by Zucan, a principal dancer with the Drum and Spirit of African Society. Mondays, 7:30-9pm, English High School, 144 McBride St. Info: 359-1552.

Gender-Free/English Country Dance, beginners welcome and encouraged. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays (5th Tuesdays: experienced) of the month, 7:30-11:30pm, First Church, 6 Eliot St. Info: www.lcfd.org/bgfe/512-5554.

Square Dance, all ages, beginners welcome. Second Sunday of the month, 7-10pm, $5, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. INfo:Info@jpsquaredance@gmail.com/205-789-7907.


Book discussions at the Connolly: Mon., Nov. 26, 7pm: “In the garden of beasts: Love Terror, and an American family in Hitler’s Berlin” by Erik Larson. Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.

Chapter and Verse literary series, with Wendy Drexler, Aimee Sands & Andrew Sofer, $5 suggested, Fri., Nov. 9, 7:30pm, Loring-Greenough House, 12 South St. Info: jamaicapondpoets.com.


Emperor of the North, film on hobo train riding culture during the 1930s, Wed., Nov. 14, 7pm, Lucy Parsons Center, 358 A Centre St. Info: 522-6098.

Conservation of Matter: The Fall and Rise of Boston’s Elevated Subway, movie screening organized by JP Historical Society, Mon., Nov. 19, 6pm, Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St. Info: jphs.org.


PlaYces, play reading series, Thu., Nov. 15 & Fri., Nov. 16, 8pm, UForge Gallery, 767 Centre St. $14. Info: divinestageworks.com.


JP Concerts: Nov. 17: Mark Richardson & James Staples. St. John’s Episcopal Church, 1 Roanoke Ave., $10. Info: jpconcerts.org.

J-Way String Quartet, Sun., Nov. 18, 3pm, Loring-Greenough House, 12 South St. Info: lghouseconcerts@aim.com.

Harp recital, Boston Harp Trio & NorthSouth Duo, benefiting Herrera family whose father was killed in Canada, $50, Sun., Nov. 18, 7:30pm, Loring Greenough House, 12 South St. Info: 254-7850/AFRharp@gmail.com.

Handreach Beat-brigade drum circle with Cornell Coley, Tuesdays, 7pm, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. JP. Info: 298-1790.


Connolly Branch Library, Tuesdays, 10:30am: reading readiness storytime. Please register. Wednesdays, 10:30am: children’s films. 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.

Egleston Sq. Library: Tuesdays, 10:30am: preschool storytime, featuring puppets, songs games and fingerplays. Wednesdays, 10:30am: Babies and book sat the library. 2044 Columbus Ave. Info: 445-4340.

Jamaica Plain Library: Tuesdays 10:30am: Toddler/preschool storytime. 3pm: Creative Drama Children. Wednesdays, 10:30am, baby and books. 12 Sedgwick St., Info: 524-2053.

Toddler Drum Circle with Cornell Coley, ages 1-4, $8, starts Sat., Nov. 3, 9:30am, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: afrolatin.net/298-1790.

Family art class, wheelchair accessible, Tuesdays 10:30am-noon. Family Resource Center, 1542 Columbus Ave. Info: 522-1018.

Art, Woodworking and Sewing, Bookbinding and more at the Eliot School, classes start throughout the year. Days, evenings, weekends. The Eliot School of fine and Applied Arts, 24 Eliot St. info/course listings: eliotschool.org.

Learn to stiltwalk with Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Sundays, 11am-1pm, $5. Info: 857-498-2438.

After-School Teen Welding and Teen Jewelry Workshops now available from 3-5pm on Mondays and Wednesdays at Stonybrook Fine Arts. Info: stonybrookfinearts.com.


Knitting Group, Thursdays, 6-8pm, JP Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St. Info: 524-2053.

Sharing Strengths and Stories, discussing self-care, community, energy, power & joy, Thurs., Nov. 15, 6:30pm, JP Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St. Info: 524-2053.


Children’s Theater Project offers theater classes for children ages 5-8. Tuesday afternoons, 4-5pm for 15 weeks during fall and winter/spring terms. 7a Eliot St., Info: Carol Gallagher, 913-8951.

Salsa dance lessons, 10-week course for beginners, $15/class, Wednesdays through Nov. 28, 7:15pm, Curtis Hall, 20 South St. Info: 787-364-0198.

Calabash, ongoing African dance classes, $13, Mondays & Thursdays, 7pm, English High School, 144 McBride St. Info: h.jacqueline40@yahoo.com/359-1552.

Shim Gum Do (Mind Sword Path), zen sword, karate and meditation classes, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: 429-8024/mushimgum@gmail.com.

MindBody/Health Promotion Center offers yoga, meditation and stress reduction classes.  10 Green St. Info: 983-4226.


Hyde Square task Force’s 1st Annual Breakfast, celebrating 20 years of transforming youth, Tues., Nov. 13, 8am, Seaport Boston Hotel. Info: bit.ly/T95pgR.

Annual Fall Bazaar, Ukrainian foods, Ukrainian and religious cards and gifts, artwork, holiday crafts, jewelry, dollar and white elephant tables, Sat., Nov. 17, 10am-3pm & Sun., Nov. 18, noon-2pm. Info: ukrainianorthodox.org.

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