JP Agenda, Jan. 13, 2017

The deadline for listings is noon, Tues., Jan. 24 for the Jan. 27 issue. Send listings to reporter@jamaicaplaingazette.com. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given.


Plan JP/Rox, Meeting will provide opportunity to learn about priorities of PLAN: JP/ROX and for the community to provide comments on the PLAN recommendations. Weds. Jan. 18, 5:30 open house, 6pm presentation. Anna M. Cole Community Center, 10 Lamartine St. Extension (Mildred C. Hailey Apartments).

JP Problem Properties Committee, first Wednesday of the month, 10:30am, E-13 Police Station Community Room, 3347 Washington St. Info: Liana Poston, 722-2060.

         Support Legal Defense for Allandale Woods, All invited to attend. Learn the latest on efforts to protect Allandale Woods. Kelleher’s Bar & Grille, 1410 Centre St., Roslindale. Sun. Jan. 29, 4-6pm. Suggested donation: $40. Admission includes refreshments. All proceeds will go towards the Allandale defense fund.

Public Service Committee of JPNC special monthly meeting Mon. Jan. 23 at 7pm at Curtis Hall, 20 South St. On the agenda will be a petition of 711 Centre, LLC for a transfer of its Common Victualler (Restaurant) 7-Day Wines and Malt w/ Liqueurs License at 711 Centre Street to 3399 Wash LLC, doing business as “Brass Cat Café”, at 3399 Washington Street with a 12:00midnight closing time, with David Doyle as manager. Also on the agenda will be a petition of Fernandez Spa Liquors Inc. at 128 South Street for a transfer of its Retail Package Store All Alcohol Beverage License to JFR Fernandez, Inc., doing business as “Happy Supermarket and Spirits”

at the same location with an 11:00pm closing time, with Francisco Fernandez, jr. as manager.  All interested residents are invited to attend.          Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council (JPNC) December monthly meeting Tues. Jan. 24 at 7pm at Farnsworth House, 90 South Street. On the agenda will be reports from the Working Committees. Also on the agenda are nominations, interviews and elections for JPNC vacancies. All interested residents are invited to attend.

Franklin Park Pathways, community meeting: Phase V improvements. Thurs. Jan. 19, 6pm. William Devine Golf Course Club House, 1 Circuit Drive, Dorchester. Snow date Thurs. Jan. 26. Info: 961-3019.

Friends of Egleston Branch Public Library, community meeting to give input to 2 landscape designers from COG, who are developing a plan for the restoration and beautification of land around the library. Jan. 18, 5:30-7pm, Egleston Branch Library, 2044 Columbus Ave. Info: Martha Karchere, 504-2718.

Office Hours

         State Rep. Liz Malia, third Friday of each month, 8-9:30am, La Rana Rossa Pizza, 154 Green St. Info: 722-2060 or liz.malia@mahouse.gov.

Councilor Matt O’Malley, Fri. Jan. 13, 8am, La Rana Rossa Pizza, 154 Green St.

Public Notices

            Casey Arborway Update: During the week of January 16th, operations will concentrate on the following: For the area between Washington Street and Cemetery Road: Installation of drainage structures on Morton Street at the bottom of the Forest Hills Cemetery driveway. For the area west (towards the Arboretum) of South Street along the mainline Arborway: Reactivation of the newly tied in sections of water line. Beginning towards the end of the week shifting the westbound (towards the Arboretum) Arborway onto its permanent alignment. For Washington Street west of Forest Hills Station adjacent to the upper busway: Shifting traffic to a new, temporary alignment, several feet further east (towards the upper busway) to facilitate work in this area.  Drivers should note that this temporary alignment will result in a single northbound (towards Centre Street and the monument) lane between Ukraine Way and the entrance to the upper busway. For the week of January 23rd, operations will focus on the following: For the area between Washington Street and Cemetery Road: Installation of drainage structures along the mainline Arborway. For the area west (towards the Arboretum) of South Street along the mainline Arborway: Shifting the westbound (towards the Arboretum) Arborway onto its permanent alignment. For Washington Street west of Forest Hills Station adjacent to the upper busway: Installation of utilities within the work zone opened up during the week of the 16th.

2017 Lilac Sunday T-Shirt Design Contest, Artists of all ages are invited to submit their logo designs for the Lilac Sunday 2017 shirt. Design must include Lilac Sunday 2017, Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, no more than 4 colors. Info: http://bit.ly/lilac-t-shirt-contest.

         Food pantry, choose from a selection of non-perishable foods, fresh produce, bakery bread, and personal items, no I.D. needed, everyone welcome, 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 11am-noon, First Church UU, 6 Eliot St.

Needle disposal, City of Boston reminds residents medical needles/syringes cannot be put in household trash; drop-off location: AIDS Action Committee, 75 Amory St. Needle exchange program for IV drug users available via AHOPE Boston at 534-3963. If needle found in public area, call Mayor’s Hotline: 635-4500.

Community composting, Saturdays, 10am-2pm, Egleston Square Farmers Market, 45 Brookside Ave. Info: greenovateboston.gov.

Spotholes, pothole reporting tool, 635-4500, Citizens Connect mobile phone app, cityofboston.gov/mayor/24, and using #spotholes on twitter.

Vacancies on the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council, People who are interested in the available seats on the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council can contact Kevin Moloney, chair of the Council at 522-3988 or kevinfmoloney@comcast.net or come to the regular monthly meeting. There are two vacancies in Area A, one vacancy in Area B, and one vacancy At-Large. The area map is available at http://www.jpnc.org/jpnc-map/.


         Support Group for Young Parents, a program of Jewish Family and Children’s Services, open to all faiths, for parents with children from birth to one-year, registration not required. Thursdays, 10:30am-noon. Info: 781-647- 5327/info@jfcsboston.org.

Egleston Square Library, free homework help, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, ongoing throughout the school year, 3:30-5:30pm, 2044 Columbus Ave, Roxbury.

Bilingual story time, join us for stories and songs in English & Spanish. For children 2-4 with an adult. Tues. Jan. 31, 10:30am. Connolly Branch Library.

Spanish English Language Exchange, Saturdays, 12-1:45pm. Connolly Branch Library.


Yoga Franklin Park, Saturdays, 9:15am, Schoolmaster Hill, Franklin Park. Info: franklinparkcoalition.org.

Yoga, meditation and stress reduction classes at the MindBody Center (SJPHC-HPC) @ 10 Green Street.  Low cost or free, in English and Spanish. For more information call (617) 983-4226.

Fitness Walk, Saturdays, 8-9am, Franklin Park Golf Clubhouse parking lot. Info: alison.g.m.brown@gmail.com.

Yoga classes, meditation and stress reduction classes, low cost, some free, English and Spanish, MindBody/Health Promotion Center, 10 Green St. Info: 983-4226.

Care to Care, a support group for family caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, second Wednesdays of the month, 6:30-7:30pm. Springhouse, 44 Allandale St. Info: Meredith Griffiths, 522-0043/mgriffiths@springhouseboston.org.

Forest Hills Runners, several weekly group runs, info/schedule: foresthillsrunners.org.


Libraria Donceles, presented by Pablo Helguera and Urbano Project. A socially engaged art project that takes the form of a used bookstore with more than 10,000 texts in the Spanish language. Free public event includes an artist talk and performance. Jan. 13, 6:30-8:30pm.

Woodworking, sewing, art classes, fiber arts, photography, book arts. Children, teens, adults, year round. Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts, 24 Eliot St. Info: eliotschool.org or 617-524-3313.

Shim Gum Do (Mind Sword Path), zen sword, karate and meditation classes, scholarships available, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: 429-8024/mushimgum@gmail.com.

Managing Mindfully, a “new story” time management workshop Sat. Jan. 28, 10am-4pm at First Church UU in Jamaica Plain. Come when you can, pay as you are able. Strengthen the new story of cooperation, connection, and plenty for all rather than the old story of competition, separation, and scarcity. Get new models and hands-on techniques to take you through this uncertain time between stories. Info: Pam, 522-4956.


         ABCD Good Life Healthy Living Club, monthly wellness sessions, for adults 50+, Wednesdays, 10am. My Life, My Health, class for adults 50+ with chronic health conditions, weekly classes, Thursdays, 2pm. Computer classes for adults 50 and older, Mondays, 3pm. 30 Bickford St. Info: 522-4251.

JP@Home information session for prospective members, Tues., Jan. 17, 4:30 pm at Ethos, 555 Amory Street. Learn more about activities and services of this member-driven Ethos program for people in this area who want to age well at home. RSVP/info: RaySantos@ethocare.org or 522-4700.

Ethos workshops for healthy aging, Chronic disease management Tuesdays, 10am, SJPHC, 640 Centre St., powerful tools, Wednesdays, 4:30pm Ethos, 555 Amory St. Info: ethoscare.org.

Diabetes Self-Management Program, Hyde Park Community Center, 1179 River St., Wednesdays 9:30am-noon. Info: Ann Glora at 477-6616.

Chronic Pain Self-Management Program, Chronic pain and discomfort limit activities adults may enjoy. This FREE 6-week workshop teaches adults suffering from chronic pain simple techniques to better manage their pain, improve sleep, increase energy, eat healthier, and more. Classes are highly participative, where mutual support and successes build a participants’ confidence in their ability to manage their health, and maintain active and fulfilling lives. Includes a mild, strength and flexibility exercise routine and a lifestyle manual with exercise DVD. BCYF Curtis Hall Community Center, 20 South St. Thursdays 9:30am–12:00pm. Jan. 12 thru Feb. 16. Info: Ann Glora, 477-6616 or aglora@ethocare.org

Crossroads Café, free lunch and social event for seniors and their guests, often featuring live music and educational presentations. Food made with local produce and other healthy ingredients. Bread, produce, milk, and leftovers to take home as available. Saturdays, First Baptist Church, 633 Centre St., 12:00-2pm. Info: 524-3992/www.firstbaptistjp.org.


Women’s March on Washington, if you are interested in taking a bus from JP to the Women’s March in DC Jan. 21, contact jpwomensmarch@gmail.com, or 388-8738.

Serve with Franklin Park Coalition, Seeking board members, committee members, and volunteers. Info: admin@franklinparkcoalition.org (Board of Directors and Committee) or volunteer@franklinparkcoalition.org (volunteer) or call at 442-4141.

Senior Companions Needed, Ethos is looking for elders to provide friendly visits and companionship to homebound or isolated seniors! Take a walk together, chat over a cup of coffee, play a board game, and develop a new and rich friendship! Volunteers must attend a one-time orientation and make a one hour per week commitment. Opportunities available in Jamaica Plain, Hyde Park, West Roxbury, Roslindale and Mattapan. Apply via www.ethocare.org/volunteer/application or call 522-6700.

English for New Bostonians, looking for volunteers to serve as ESL tutors. Info: 350-5480 ext. 230 / fmartinez@englishfornewbostonians.org.

VNA Seeking Hospice Volunteers, VNA Care Network & Hospice, a nonprofit home health and hospice organization, needs volunteers to provide companionship to patients and respite for family members in eastern and central Massachusetts. Volunteers are men and women who come from diverse backgrounds and range in age from 20’s to 80’s; the common bond is a desire to share time and compassion with others. A strong need exists for volunteers who are available during the day, are bilingual, or can provide pet or music therapy. No previous experience is necessary. VNA Hospice Care provides training and ongoing support to all volunteers. Info: 781-569-2811, www.vnacare.org.

Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital at 1153 Centre St. seeking volunteers for gift shop, info desk, radiology, orthopedic center and more. Info: 983-7424 or brighamandwomensfaulkner.org.

FriendshipWorks Music Program, Do you enjoy music? Seeking volunteers to share music and friendship with elders in JP. 277-5248.


Congratulations to Sara Barbosa of Jamaica Plain being named to Lassell College Dean’s List for Fall 2016. Barbosa’s major is Human Services is a member of the class of 2017.

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