JP Agenda, Oct. 27, 2017

The deadline for listings is noon, Tues. Nov. 7 for the Nov. 10 issue. Send listings to reporter@jamaicaplaingazette.com. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given.


ESNA meeting, Egleston Square Neighborhood Association will meet Mon. Oct. 30 at 6:30pm at the Egleston Y.

JP Problem Properties Committee, first Wednesday of the month, 10:30am, E-13 Police Station Community Room, 3347 Washington St. Info: Liana Poston, 722-2060.

JP Zoning Committee, the Committee’s next regularly-scheduled meeting will be Nov. 1 at Farnsworth House.  The agenda for that meeting is to be determined, however the agenda for the Committee’s following meeting on Nov. 15 is expected to include 8 Wyman Street (confirm occupancy as a single-family, change to two-family residential dwelling); 87 Westchester Road (erect new single-family dwelling on vacant lot with one off-street parking space); and new appeals for 279-281 Lamartine Street, now separated into 279 Lamartine Street (erect new 3 family residential structure with parking on vacant lot) and 281 Lamartine Street (raze existing house and construct new two-family, 2.5 story residential structure with parking on basement level).  After November 1st, the Committee’s next upcoming meetings will be November 15th and December 6th.

Police Community Relations Meeting will take place on Thurs. Nov. 2 at 7pm at Curtis Hall, 20 South Street. Commanders from Boston Police Area E, MBTA Police and State Police will deal with all issues of public safety raised by the community. All interested residents are invited to attend.

The Public Service Committee of the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council will hold its monthly meeting on Tues. Nov. 7 at 7:00pm at Curtis Hall, 20 South Street. On the agenda will be a petition of Juicygreens at 61 South Street for a Common Victualler (Restaurant) License with the hours of 7:30am to 10:00pm, with an outdoor patio for 4 to 6 seats, with Ammy Lowney as manager. Also on the agenda will be a petition of Delicias 100% Express at 660A Centre Street for a Common  Victualler (Restaurant) License, with take-out, with Lewis Crespo as manager. Also on the agenda will be a followup meeting on Turtle Swamp Brewing’s Farmer Brewery Pouring permit at 3377-3379 Washington Street. All interested residents are invited to attend.

          Haymarket People’s Fund Information Session, Weds. Nov. 8, 6-7:30pm, 42 Seaverns Ave. Come learn about: Haymarket’s criteria and grants process, what we mean by undoing racism, how to apply for a grant. RSVP to Jaime Smith, 522-7676X115 or Jaime@haymarket.org. Deadline to apply for the 2017-2018 funding cycle is Weds. Nov. 29.

          Networking Group, local chapter of BNI, meets on Wednesdays at the Farnsworth House at 7am. Consists of 30 members of different professions. Through development and trust and relationships amongst the members, objective is to promote each other’s businesses. Members may live outside of JP, but common tie is either living in or servicing the JP area. Info: President of chapter Katelyn Atwater, info: 431-0929.

Office Hours

MassDOT office hours, Mon. Oct. 30, 5:30-7:30pm, Curtis Hall Community Center, 20 South St.

            State Rep. Liz Malia, monthly office hours in the JP Library (South St. branch) in the conference room (or on the patio during warmer months) on the 3rd Friday of each month from 9-10:30am. Info: 722-2060 or liz.malia@mahouse.gov.

Public Notices

          Airport Noise Complaint Line, Massport’s Noise Complaint line is open 6 AM to 6PM. Call whenever Logan Runway 27 airplane noise disturbs you: 561-3333. Congressman Mike Capuano 621-6208 and Congressman Steven Lynch 428-2000 also asked Jamaica Plain constituents to call their office about aircraft noise.

          Food pantry at First Church. www.firstchurchjp.org.

Needle disposal, City of Boston reminds residents medical needles/syringes cannot be put in household trash; drop-off location: AIDS Action Committee, 75 Amory St. Needle exchange program for IV drug users available via AHOPE Boston at 534-3963. If needle found in public area, call Mayor’s Hotline: 635-4500.

Community composting, Saturdays, 10am-2pm, Egleston Square Farmers Market, 45 Brookside Ave. Info: greenovateboston.gov.

Spotholes, pothole reporting tool, 635-4500, Citizens Connect mobile phone app, cityofboston.gov/mayor/24, and using #spotholes on twitter.


          Healthy Families Program, available to all parents who are interested in strengthening their families. Begins Weds. Oct. 4 at 1542 Columbus Ave. Free 8 week program that meets every Weds. 5:30-7:30pm, dinner and childcare will be provided. Due to Thanksgiving, the final class will be Mon. Nov. 20, instead of 22. Consists of parenting skills, gang prevention and intervention, coping with trauma, understanding mental health, effects of substance abuse, overcoming domestic violence, bullying, healthy relations and sexual health. The curriculum is designed for parents of preteens and adolescents, but available to all parents. Info: Boston Police Dept. 343-5623.

          Support Group for Young Parents, a program of Jewish Family and Children’s Services, open to all faiths, for parents with children from birth to one-year, registration not required. Thursdays, 10:30am-noon. Info: 781-647- 5327/info@jfcsboston.org.

Egleston Square Library, free homework help, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, ongoing throughout the school year, 3:30-5:30pm, 2044 Columbus Ave, Roxbury.

Spanish English Language Exchange, Saturdays, 12-1:45pm. Connolly Branch Library.


Power Health Tour is a free health, wellness, fitness, educational and empowering community event taking place at the Boys and Girls Club located at 15 Talbot Ave in Dorchester, MA on Saturday, November 4th from 12Noon until 4PM.  This event will include health screenings, fitness demos, giveaways, healthy cooking samples, exhibitors, games, vendors, and a pizza party for kids.  We have something for all ages and each attendee will receive the Power Health gift bag. Please feel free to share the press release and the flyer with your audience.

Lay Breast Health Advisor Training Program, Any individual interested in being an advocate for breast health and breast cancer early detection in the community. here: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 450 Brookline Ave.Sat. 10/28, 9am-4pm. Contact info: Email Sarah Peterson at saraha_peterson@dfci.harvard.edu to register, or call 632.4291 for more info.

Halloween 5K Walk/Run for Quest Adventures, Get your running/walking shoes ready to come join Quest Adventures on Sunday, October 29 and raise money to help Boston Public School students take life-changing national and international service trips.

This year our 5K is a Halloween Costume Run! Jamaica Pond. Come in your best, scariest, or funniest Halloween costume and trick or treat around the pond! Race your stroller for fun prizes! Families with kids and pets are more than welcome to join! Runners, Families with kids, pets, college students, and anyone who likes costumes, running, candy or supporting a local organization! Sun. Oct. 29, 8am to 11am. Registration begins at 8:00 am, 5K Run begins at 9:00 am. 2K Stroller Race and 5K Walk begin at 10:00 am.

Registration for Turkey Trot 5k, Franklin Park’s 5th Annual Turkey Trot will be at 9am on Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy Boston’s most scenic 5k on the beautiful historic paths of Franklin Park.  Run or walk the jewel of the Emerald Necklace to start your Thanksgiving Day! Bring everyone and make it a family event – all ages and paces welcome.  Strollers and race-ready dogs on leashes are welcome. Info: turkeytrot@franklinparkcoalition.org.

Yoga, meditation and stress reduction classes at the MindBody Center (SJPHC-HPC) @ 10 Green Street.  Low cost or free, in English and Spanish. For more information call 983-4226.

Fitness Walk, Saturdays, 8-9am, Franklin Park Golf Clubhouse parking lot. Info: alison.g.m.brown@gmail.com.

Care to Care, a support group for family caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, second Wednesdays of the month, 6:30-7:30pm. Springhouse, 44 Allandale St. Info: Meredith Griffiths, 522-0043/mgriffiths@springhouseboston.org.

Forest Hills Runners, several weekly group runs, info/schedule: foresthillsrunners.org.


SENIORS STAY SAFE, What do you do if a scammer gets your phone number or email address? Are you prepared for a natural disaster or a typical New England winter? What’s new in personal safety devices, smoke detectors and other home safety technology? Join us on Tues. Oct. 31 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., at the Boston Lodge of Elks #10, One Morrell St. in West Roxbury for the next event in our Conversation on Aging series, Seniors Stay Safe. You will hear from experts from the Boston Police Department, EMS, Elder Protective Services, and others on how to stay safe, healthy and happy through the coming seasons.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.  There is no cost to attend however, you must register in advance. To RSVP, visit www.ethocare.org/rsvp, email RSVP@ethocare.org or call 617.477.6724. Be sure to leave us your name and telephone number so we can secure your place.

          Monthly Memory Café, Are you an individual with memory loss? Are you a caregiver to someone with memory loss? Are you looking for an enjoyable way to spend time together? Come and enjoy coffee, creative arts, refreshments and conversations with new friends of all ages. Amory Street Housing Development, 125 Amory St., in the community room. Meets the last Thursday of every month from 1:30-3pm. Free to all. Call Brittany McLaren at Upham’s Elder Service Plan at 440-1615 or email bmclaren@uphams.org for more info.

JP Jubilee, a class for all seniors who want to learn new songs and musical skills, make friends, promote good health and perform for the community. Meets Friday mornings, 10:30-noon from Sept. 15-Dec. 15. Class is held at the JP Branch of the Boston Public Library, 30 South St. Wheelchair accessible. Instructor: Elizabeth Anker, singer and voice teacher. No registration, audition, or experience required. Made possible, in part, from a grant form the Boston Cultural Council. Info: Janell Fiarman: 857-719-3432 or email jfiarman@gmail.com.

          ABCD Good Life Healthy Living Club, monthly wellness sessions, for adults 50+, Wednesdays, 10am. My Life, My Health, class for adults 50+ with chronic health conditions, weekly classes, Thursdays, 2pm. Computer classes for adults 50 and older, Mondays, 3pm. 30 Bickford St. Info: 522-4251.

          Community Arts Music Program for Seniors, Curtis Hall, 20 South St., Fridays 10:30-noon. Info: 983-3638.

Ethos workshops for healthy aging, Chronic disease management Tuesdays, 10am, SJPHC, 640 Centre St., powerful tools, Wednesdays, 4:30pm Ethos, 555 Amory St. Info: ethoscare.org.

Diabetes Self-Management Program, Hyde Park Community Center, 1179 River St., Wednesdays 9:30am-noon. Info: Ann Glora at 477-6616.

Crossroads Café, free lunch and social event for seniors and their guests, often featuring live music and educational presentations. Food made with local produce and other healthy ingredients. Bread, produce, milk, and leftovers to take home as available. Saturdays, First Baptist Church, 633 Centre St., 12:00-2pm. Info: 524-3992/www.firstbaptistjp.org.


Volunteer Tutors Needed, The Boston Teachers Union School is looking for volunteers to tutor middle school students one-on-one or in small groups Tuesday and/or Wednesday afternoons from 3 to 4:30 PM. Contact:

David Weinstein, 7/8th Grade Math Teacher, Boston Teachers Union Pilot School, dweinstein@bostonpublicschools.org, 857-334-9855.

Volunteer as a mentor or tutor, help students explore career and college opportunities. Tutor students in a range of subjects including math, science, history, English, foreign languages, SAT, and more. Tues, Weds, and Thurs, 3-8pm, Saturday 10am-2:30pm. To apply: www.hydesquare.org/get-involved/join-our-programs/

          Chelsea Jewish Hospice & Palliative Care (CJHPC) is seeking volunteers to offer companionship and support 1-2 hours per week to persons facing terminal illness who reside in Jamaica Plain.  Volunteers can make a difference for patients through activities such as holding a hand, listening to music, running an errand, or even just sitting quietly. Musicians, certified pet therapy teams, and those trained in alternative modalities such as Reiki are also encouraged to apply.  Free training provided.  Info: Aimee, Volunteer Coordinator, at 889-0779 or email afarrell@chelseajewish.org.

Serve with Franklin Park Coalition, Seeking board members, committee members, and volunteers. Info: admin@franklinparkcoalition.org (Board of Directors and Committee) or volunteer@franklinparkcoalition.org (volunteer) or call at 442-4141.

Senior Companions Needed, Ethos is looking for elders to provide friendly visits and companionship to homebound or isolated seniors! Take a walk together, chat over a cup of coffee, play a board game, and develop a new and rich friendship! Volunteers must attend a one-time orientation and make a one hour per week commitment. Opportunities available in Jamaica Plain, Hyde Park, West Roxbury, Roslindale and Mattapan. Apply via www.ethocare.org/volunteer/application or call 522-6700.

English for New Bostonians, looking for volunteers to serve as ESL tutors. Info: 982-6864 / fmartinez@englishfornewbostonians.org.

VNA Care, a nonprofit home health and hospice organization, needs volunteers to provide companionship to patients and respite for family members in close to your home. Training, supervision, and support are provided. Call 781-569-2811 for more information about becoming a hospice volunteer or visit www.vnacare.org.

Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital at 1153 Centre St. seeking volunteers for gift shop, info desk, radiology, orthopedic center and more. Info: 983-7424 or brighamandwomensfaulkner.org.

FriendshipWorks Music Program, Do you enjoy music? Seeking volunteers to share music and friendship with elders in JP. 277-5248.


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